October 2012
I hate the fact that you have no clue about the way I really do feel for you. I hate the fact that we're just friends...and that's it...NoThInG more...I hate the way you make me cry and the way you ac
Denna dagen började bra!! Åkte in till stan vid 9 och satt på stationen till typ halv 12, Träffa Hanna sen satt vi och vänta på Robin för att vinka av han. Och han kom.. Hela han lyste upp! og
When I say "I love you." I don't say it as a habit, I say it to remind you you're the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Once again, I find myself trying to be okay with the fact that we're just friends, but then you grab my hand and then, well, I'm notokay, I'm floating...