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Nfs Shift Pc Patch 1.03 >>>
PC 1.02 patch. Need For Speed: SHIFT 2 Unleashed Home. Downloads . 03 #2 . You sure you are not confusing with Shift 1 patch? there's no 1.02 patch for Shift 2 .
SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED PC Patch #1 . a tech hang in the loading screen of eventsraces when the Team NFS Mazda RX-8 car is .
Patch 1.01. Need for Speed . - Behebung des Problems, dass NFS Undercover nicht vom SHIFT 2 VIP-Bildschirm erkannt wird . Shift 2 Unleashed ist fr PC, .. EA & Slightly Mad Studios have released the second patch and the five-car content download pack for the PC version of Need for Speed Shift.
[Topic unique PC] SHIFT patch 1 + patch 2; dragonlore. Transactions (0) Post le 03-11-2007 09:52:30 . je pense que NFS Shift sera un peu comme Prostreet .. Le site rfrence sur la srie des Need for Speed ! News rgulires, toutes les infos sur les derniers Need for Speed, base de tlchargements trs complte, un forum extrmement actif, une. Online Shopping at GearBest for the best cell phones, electronic gadgets, toys, sporting goods, home products and apparel for geeks at unbeatable great prices.
Bonjour tous le monde, le patch 1.03 est enfin dispo. mais en non officiel je l'ai tester il fonctionne nikel. Au menu: (traduction google dsl) - Retir les films d'intro.. Dieser Patch fgt NFS SHIFT zwei neue Features hinzu: LAN-Spiele ber ein lokales Netzwerk fr ein intensiveres Multiplayer-Erlebnis und Mausuntersttzung fr volle Mennavigation im ganzen. . 03 AM Need For Speed Shift 2 Unleashed PC . PC Patch #1 This is the first PC Patch for SHIFT 2 . screen of eventsraces when the Team NFS Mazda RX-8 . d77fe87ee0