Sunday 18 June 2017 photo 1/1
Why in a Stable?: In the shadow of His hand
by Roger Barnett
In his earlier work, Exceeding Great Joy of the Magi, Roger Barnett gave us his views on the joy the Magi had on seeing the star. In Why in a stable? he shares with us the earlier experiences of the shepherds. This study will take us on an exploration inspired by these words of Hebrew prophecy - “in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me". We shall find that those words throw exciting and astounding light upon an aspect of the life of a man born in a stable of all places! In fact our study will concentrate upon the effect those words were to have on that birth. We shall see the light of divine purpose shining on every tiny detail of the precious narrative which was given to mankind in the Gospel according to Luke.
Why in a Stable?: In the shadow of His hand Roger Barnett
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