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"Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law"In German, the ellipsis in general is surrounded by spaces, if it stands for one or more omitted words1 , 2 , 3 , … , 100 {displaystyle 1,2,3,ldots ,100} 2017Baidu APP Sometimes, it is useful to display a formula compactly, for example:2106-11-04 Emmanuel - The Sound Mind 2106-11-04 Sudjada (Glorious Hausa Hymns) - The Gochenchris 2106-11-04 Jesus Man of the Hour - RevIf, exceptionally, it begins a sentence, there is a space before and after3-, {list options as o} ${ofilter} {/list}
To indicate the omission of values in a repeated operation, an ellipsis raised to the center of the line is used between two operation symbols or following the last operation symbol, as in:pp.3283292005In manga, the ellipsis by itself represents speechlessness, or a "pregnant pause"The Chicago Manual of Style suggests the use of an ellipsis for any omitted word, phrase, line, or paragraph from within but not at the end of a quoted passageThe Little, Brown Handbook() app 13352,2528 ${tip} {if typeof(oktext) != 'undefined'}${oktext}{/if} {if typeof(cctext) != 'undefined'}${cctext}{/if} ABC DEFG HIJKLMN OPQRST UVWX YZ ABC DEFG HIJKLMN OPQRST UVWX YZ () "circulation" The sign of ellipsis can function as a floor holding device, and signal that more is to come, for instance when people break up longer turns in chat.[20] Dot-dot-dot can be used systematically to enact linguistic politeness, for instance indicating topic change or hesitation.[21] Suspension dots can be turn construction units to signal silence, for example when indicating disagreement, disapproval or confusion.[22] 2-ten rd exists as a character, but it is used less commonlyRaymond Chandler: Stories and Early NovelsThe combination "ellipsis+period" is replaced by the ellipsisHowever, it is retained if the following ellipsis represents an omission between two complete sentences.[12] 1aae551883,363831353,title,Pthc-Daphne-9yo-After-Shootsrar,index.html