Wednesday 6 October 2010 photo 1/1
photos and take part of other people's diaries. A user isn't allowed to do just anything, for everyone's comfort, there are rules to be followed. If we find violations of what is in this document, we can warn the user or delete his/her account without warning. In severe cases, a police report can be made. If you want to make a report of any user that you feel violates the rules, and/or lthe law, a report shall be sent by mail to
2. General rules
- Du måste följa svensk lag när du använder Pornografi, opassande nakenhet, främjande av droger och publicerande av copyrightskyddat material är förbjudet på sajten. Du får inte använda för olagliga aktiviteter eller för distribution av material som är olagligt eller som kan upplevas som stötande, t.ex. hets mot folkgrupp, trakasserier, mobbning, kedjebrev eller intrång i upphovsrättsskyddat material. Då kan ditt konto på raderas, och i vissa fall polisanmälas. Länkning till sajter med olagligt innehåll är att betrakta som regelbrott. Användare som gör sådan länkning är direkt ansvarig för denna förseelse.
- Du får inte använda som distributionskanal eller kontaktbas för kommersiella budskap, junk mail, spam eller kedjebrev.
- Du får inte använda, kopiera eller skicka vidare användarinformation.
- Alla försök till datorintrång i system tillhörande polisanmäls.
- Missbruk av tjänster är förbjudet, som t.ex. gästbokspam.
- Du får inte systematiskt sprida politisk eller religiös propaganda.
- Du får inte ladda upp virussmittade filer.
- Du är ansvarig för de bilder och texter som du publicerar på
- Du får inte publicera texter och bilder som kan anses stötande eller kränkande och heller inte publicera bilder och namn på personer som ej godkänt detta.
- Om du blir ombedd att ta bort en bild av personen som fotograferat eller är med på bilden måste du omedelbart göra detta.
- Eftersom är till för alla får du inte ladda upp nakenbilder.
- Det är inte tillåtet att publicera annonser eller bedriva försäljning i dagböcker.
- Du får inte kopiera andra användares bilder utan att först ha frågat upphovsrättsmannen om lov.
Det är olagligt att ladda upp copyrightskyddat material exempelvis: googlebilder, idolbilder mm.
Om vi misstänker att du angett felaktiga uppgifter vid registreringen eller i inställningar kan ditt konto bli raderat. Detsamma gäller om du har flera konton på sajten.
Användare som laddar upp ett flertal bilder med likadan bildtext varnas och vid upprepade förseelser tas användaren bort.
3. Laws
Of course, all laws applies even when you're on Some may be perceived as more recent, for example, copyright law, drug Penal Code and Penal Code (sedition, incitement to racial hatred, child pornography crimes, unlawful depiction of violence, illegal threats, harassment, defamation and pornographic text and images). On you can read more about the laws.
4. Rights
On the users own their photos.
You have no right to use for your own commercial purposes, such as sale, survey, or advertising of any product / company or service. Upon such violation, we can claim damages.
5. User information
Bilddagboken AB, Corporate identity number 556721-9489, is the data controller.
Ways to contact us is found at the bottom of the document.
We care about your privacy. We always give priority to the protection of all the information you entrust to us and naturally follow the laws and rules that exist, such as Personal Data Act to protect your privacy. Only a limited number of persons is specifically authorized access to the information.
The data is necessary for the user to be able to use and its functions on a recurrent basis.
In order to prevent illegal activity on the site your IP is loged.
6. Changed conditions
We always have the right to amend the general conditions on if this is needed to comply with laws and administrative decisions. We encourage users to visit the Terms and Conditions to see if any changes occurred. If amendments are such that the use of changes in a significant way will this be communicated to users. We will never sell personal information, such as e-mail addresses. By continuing to use user is deemed to have accepted the changed terms and conditions. If the user wants to terminate membership, the user is able to de-register from This is done in MY DIARY - SETTINGS.
7. About's newsletters
Approximately once a month we send out information about what is happening on the site along with unique offers for's members. In the message you will also find current photos from your city and the last tips in the Photo school.
The photos that appear at the top of this mail is random from members who have the setting the "Publish" checked on If you do not want to be seen in this email, you can click out the setting, go to "My Diary" -> "Settings" -> Diary Settings".
If you no longer wish to subscribe to Member message, click the "I no longer want to subscribe to member's letter" at the bottom of the email.
8. Conditions of purchase
Availability can not guarantee that the site is always 100% available. Technical problems and maintenance work may occur. can not guarantee that an individual service always works.
Changes in product, etc. has the right to make changes in service without being liable to repayment.
Prices listed are inclusive of tax and transaction fees. Regarding SMS, the operators charge may get added for the purchaser.
Bilddagboken AB ,582 24 Linköping.
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw this product. That means you have the right to tell us that you change your mind within 14 days from the date you received the product. If you received information about withdrawal, etc. provided a date later than the purchase date then the 14 days for withdrawal is from that date. You are not entitled to exercise your right to cancel if we, with your permission, started to perform the service during the withdrawal period. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, contact
Parental or guardians approval
If you are under 18 years old you must have approval from parent or guardian to purchase the product.
9. Other
Messages you enter on is for public visitors and members.
We do our best to make you comfortable on, but unfortunately we can't guarantee that everything always works perfectly.
Bilddagboken AB is responsible for this web service.
10. Facts about Bilddagboken AB
Bilddagboken AB
Apotekaregatan 14
58224 Linköping Sweden
Corporate identity number: 556721-94892
det tog länga att skriva:)
Det är olagligt att ladda upp copyrightskyddat material exempelvis: googlebilder, idolbilder mm.
Om vi misstänker att du angett felaktiga uppgifter vid registreringen eller i inställningar kan ditt konto bli raderat. Detsamma gäller om du har flera konton på sajten.
Användare som laddar upp ett flertal bilder med likadan bildtext varnas och vid upprepade förseelser tas användaren bort.
3. Laws
Of course, all laws applies even when you're on Some may be perceived as more recent, for example, copyright law, drug Penal Code and Penal Code (sedition, incitement to racial hatred, child pornography crimes, unlawful depiction of violence, illegal threats, harassment, defamation and pornographic text and images). On you can read more about the laws.
4. Rights
On the users own their photos.
You have no right to use for your own commercial purposes, such as sale, survey, or advertising of any product / company or service. Upon such violation, we can claim damages.
5. User information
Bilddagboken AB, Corporate identity number 556721-9489, is the data controller.
Ways to contact us is found at the bottom of the document.
We care about your privacy. We always give priority to the protection of all the information you entrust to us and naturally follow the laws and rules that exist, such as Personal Data Act to protect your privacy. Only a limited number of persons is specifically authorized access to the information.
The data is necessary for the user to be able to use and its functions on a recurrent basis.
In order to prevent illegal activity on the site your IP is loged.
6. Changed conditions
We always have the right to amend the general conditions on if this is needed to comply with laws and administrative decisions. We encourage users to visit the Terms and Conditions to see if any changes occurred. If amendments are such that the use of changes in a significant way will this be communicated to users. We will never sell personal information, such as e-mail addresses. By continuing to use user is deemed to have accepted the changed terms and conditions. If the user wants to terminate membership, the user is able to de-register from This is done in MY DIARY - SETTINGS.
7. About's newsletters
Approximately once a month we send out information about what is happening on the site along with unique offers for's members. In the message you will also find current photos from your city and the last tips in the Photo school.
The photos that appear at the top of this mail is random from members who have the setting the "Publish" checked on If you do not want to be seen in this email, you can click out the setting, go to "My Diary" -> "Settings" -> Diary Settings".
If you no longer wish to subscribe to Member message, click the "I no longer want to subscribe to member's letter" at the bottom of the email.
8. Conditions of purchase
Availability can not guarantee that the site is always 100% available. Technical problems and maintenance work may occur. can not guarantee that an individual service always works.
Changes in product, etc. has the right to make changes in service without being liable to repayment.
Prices listed are inclusive of tax and transaction fees. Regarding SMS, the operators charge may get added for the purchaser.
Bilddagboken AB ,582 24 Linköping.
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw this product. That means you have the right to tell us that you change your mind within 14 days from the date you received the product. If you received information about withdrawal, etc. provided a date later than the purchase date then the 14 days for withdrawal is from that date. You are not entitled to exercise your right to cancel if we, with your permission, started to perform the service during the withdrawal period. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, contact
Parental or guardians approval
If you are under 18 years old you must have approval from parent or guardian to purchase the product.
9. Other
Messages you enter on is for public visitors and members.
We do our best to make you comfortable on, but unfortunately we can't guarantee that everything always works perfectly.
Bilddagboken AB is responsible for this web service.
10. Facts about Bilddagboken AB
Bilddagboken AB
Apotekaregatan 14
58224 Linköping Sweden
Corporate identity number: 556721-94892
det tog länga att skriva:)
Comment the photo
Wed 6 Oct 2010 16:04
Du skrev ej det där.
3 comments on this photo