Tuesday 21 November 2017 photo 8/13
Dating someone type 1 diabetes | Article | dayviews.com
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He informed me that he is a type 1 diabetic. Run, BabyRun!!. He's still a normal guy. I've never dated anyone with type 1 diabetes, but my wife has. Epilepsy is much harder to treat. He was diagnosed with it about 5 years ago, he always has seizures. I wish you well, my young friend. Best Answer: Are you sure this guy is actually having seizures, my friend. I still like him after finding out about his condition. Whether someon has diabetes of not doesn't affect what their personality is like, or how much fun they are tupe be with or anything, but if he's had diabetes for at least 5 years and still hasn't gotten himself disciplined enough to keep his blood glucose fairly steady, I would wonder how mature he is in everything else, how much self-controlled and self-disciplined he is in other aspects. One thing that many diabetics find offensive is people telling them what they can and dating someone type 1 diabetes do. He informed me that he is a type 1 diabetic. He informed me that he is a type 1 diabetic. If you do look out for sugar free chocolates etc. Doesn't mean he can't eat anything, he just has daring be judicious and careful. There is a lot of stuff on the internet that is basically fat-shaming diabetics for causing their own diabetes with their bad diet and lack of exercise and general lack of moral fibre. He informed me that he is a type 1 diabetic. Seizures would be something different.I recently met a boy that I'm attracted to, it's my friends cousin. Affecting all around them. Seizures would be something different. I've never dated anyone with type 1 diabetes, but my wife has.If he's having seizures, then he's not controlling his glucose very well. And the more careful and selective he is about what he eats, the fewer seizure aka hypoglycemic lows he should have.