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Pulse code modulation and demodulation lab manual: >> << (Download)
Pulse code modulation and demodulation lab manual: >> << (Read Online)
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The signal can be reconstituted by the pulse code demodulator. A difference amplifier is also supplied to allow the signal into the p.c.m modulator to be compared with the signal out of the. p.c.m demodulator in order to establish the loss of information(i.e. added noise) as a function of the encoding, frequency and amplitude
(a) To understand the working principle of delta modulation and demodulation. (b) Study of slope overload distortion and methods those are used for minimising it. Requirement: Trainer Kit ST2105 CRO. Introduction: Delta modulation is a system of digital modulation developed after pulse code modulation. In this system, at
The objective of this lab is to be familiarized with Pulse Code Modulation. Students are expected to write Matlab code, that will help them to understand the fundamentals of PCM. They will also observe the modulation and demodulation process of PCM using a pre-built hardware board. 2.2 Theory. Pulse Code Modulation
14 Nov 2014 To study and perform Pulse Code Modulation and Demodulation. 7. To study Time Division Multiplexing Scheme. 8. To study and perform Amplitude Shift Keying Modulation and Demodulation. 9. To study and perform Phase Shift Keying Modulation and Demodulation. 10. To study and perform Frequency
NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT. PAGE NO. 1. Time Division Multiplexing. 1-4. 2. Pulse Code Modulation & Demodulation. 5-8. 3. Differential Pulse Code Modulation & Demodulation. 9-12. 4. Delta Modulation. 13-16. 5. Frequency Shift Keying. 17-19. 6. Phase Shift Keying. 20-22. 7. Differential phase shift keying. 23-26. 8.
2.6 Test procedure. 2.6.1.PCM operation(DC Input). 2.6.2.PCM operation(AC Input). 2.7 Model graph. 2.8 Observation. 2.9 Lab result. 2.10 Post lab. Exp 3: Differential Pulse code modulation. 10. 3.1 Objective. 3.2 Hardware required. 3.3 Introduction. 3.3.1 DPCM Modulator. 3.3.2.DPCM demodulator. 3.4 Block diagram.
Index. S. No. Name of the Experiment. 1. Time division multiplexing. 2. Pulse code modulation. 3. Differential pulse code modulation. 4. Delta modulation. 5. .. DEMODULATION: 1. Connect PCM signal to the demodulators (S-P Shift register) from the PCM modulator with help of coaxial cable (supplied with the trainer). 2.
Department of Electronics & Communication. Engineering. LAB MANUAL. SUBJECT: DIGITAL COMMUNICATION [06BEC201]. B.Tech III Year – VI Semester lab will cover, analog to digital conversion, modulation, pulse shaping, . Result: Pulse Code Modulation and Demodulation are verified in the hardware kit and its.
27 Jul 2014 Digital Communication lab manual. Study of Delta Modulation and Demodulation ECE- DC-EX-04 5. Study of Adaptive Delta Modulation Pulse amplitude modulation, pulse width modulation, pulse code modulation are few modulation systems cropping up from the pulse modulation technique. In pulse
This experiment deals with the conversion of an analog signal into a digital signal, the coding of the digital signal into pulses (Pulse Code Modulation), and the recovery of the analog signal at the receiver end (demodulation). The integrated circuits that are utilized in this experiment are the Analog-to-Digital. Converter