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Jhoijhoi making a guide: >> << (Download)
Jhoijhoi making a guide: >> << (Read Online)
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jhoijhoi's Profile on MOBAFire, Build Guides for League of Legends (LoL)
4 May 2012
10 May 2013
If he wouldn't have his stun, he would be 100% useless earlygame - Very high mana costs - Must get near enemies to deal most of his damage - Playing vs 2 ranged in lane basically means you are ****ed, spaaaaaaace. This is a quote from my skeleton king guide, here is now the source code for you to
5 лет назад. Ashe Tips Guide #1 by jhoijhoi Submit your replays: Created & Directed by: Yannis Ziakas @ Script & VO by: JhoiJhoi Contact:Yannis@MOBAF Best Shaco Build!? Insane Duel Power - Bruiser/Duel Build! [BuildReview · Best Shaco Build!? Insane Duel
20 Jan 2012
3 Jun 2013 I am aware that there are other guides, such as JhoiJhoi's making a guide guide and Laggermeister's 10 commandments of writing a guide, but my guide aims to allow newer players to know what should be the requirements of writing a guide, as well as how to actually write one in such a way that it is
21 Aug 2011 Guide author's should take a spin through this wonderful guide written by jhoijhoi that goes into great detail explaining how to craft the best guide you possibly can. Take a few minutes to read through it, you will be glad you did, as will your readers!!
26 Dec 2017 Karthus General Guide by jhoijhoi. 1622K. Views. 957. Comments. 2240. Votes. Like Build on Facebook Tweet This Build Share This Build on Reddit. League of Legends Build Guide Author jhoijhoi