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Phantom Of The Megaplex Movie Free Download In Hindi
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qzu4z
A young man working at a cinema on a special premiere night, finds that the films being shown are full of strange and eerie occurrences.
17 year old Pete Riley works at the local 26-screen megaplex. He, the senior manager of the theater, and all the other employees are working to keep the theater neat for the giant premiere gala that night where they are going to premiere "Midnight Mayhem". He also has to keep his younger siblings out of the way for the premiere. He also has his girlfriend and her friend going to an early movie heading into the premiere. The movies are having major screw-ups like real tornadoes or title problems.
Don't expect this film to be a major contribution to the art of film; just sit back and enjoy the silliness. Why bother to do that? Because along the way you get to see Mickey Rooney turn his sow's ear supporting role into a silk purse. As an eccentric who is obsessed with what he likes to call "the magic of the movies," Rooney lights up this film. Is he really as simple, gentle, and loving as he appears? Or is there a darker side to his character? Right up to the climactic moment of a wonderful monologue he delivers to two mesmerized kids, you're not really sure. Rooney has a great time with bringing to life a character that one would like to think resembles the actor himself. His presence makes an otherwise highly forgettable Disney product worth a look.
This movie isn't good, original or anything that would qualify a movie as a must see. But it is pretty decent, the plot is very much predictable but then again, so is the plot for pretty much every kidsmovie (what this clearly is)
anyway, nice for the kids, and if you're bored and there is nothing better on the telly pretty decent to watch.
5 out 10
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