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cl_gui_frontend_services= gui_ field names
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SAP E-Book. Description. Optional table with column names for the individual columns. 'DBF': The column names are entered into the structure definition of the DBF file. 'DAT': An additional row with the column names is inserted at the beginning of the table. 12. Aug. 2004. Der Parameter FIELDNAMES wird aber nicht angeboten. Nur folgende Export-Parameter stehen zur Verfügung: CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download. EXPORTING * BIN_FILESIZE = filename = p_filename. FILETYPE = 'ASC' * APPEND = SPACE WRITE_FIELD_SEPARATOR = 'X' Hi,. Try this. Append the file header as the first line in the internal table(the table contents which u use in the download). If you want to give column headings, you can give it through "FIELDNAMES" in the tables section of the "GUI_DOWNLOAD". Hope this may be helpful. Regards,. Sharin. 0,0 h. Hi,. I am downloading few records from one internal table.But While downloading I want to add the filed names(to identify which record belongs to which field) too.Can anyone help me with some sample code for this?Thanks. *download file in excel CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING bin_filesize = '' filename = lv_fname filetype = 'DAT' TABLES data_tab = t_data fieldnames = t_header EXCEPTIONS file_open_error = 1 file_write_error = 2 invalid_filesize = 3 invalid_table_width = 4 invalid_type = 5 no_batch = 6. See here to view full function module documentation and code listing, simply by entering the name GUI_DOWNLOAD into the relevant SAP transaction such as. of Char Fields * write_lf = 'X' " char01 Insert CR/LF at End of Line in Case of Char Download * col_select = SPACE " char01 Copy Single Columns of the Table. Full details of SAP Method GUI_DOWNLOAD of ABAP class CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES.. ld_REPLACEMENT: NO_AUTH_CHECK = ld_NO_AUTH_CHECK: IGNORE_CERR = ld_IGNORE_CERR: HEADER = ld_HEADER: FILETYPE = ld_FILETYPE: FILENAME = ld_FILENAME: FIELDNAMES = ld_FIELDNAMES. Using the column selection, you can choose which columns are to be transmitted to the file.. *Move complete file path to file name gv_filename = 'C:testdata.txt'. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download EXPORTING filename = gv_filename filetype = 'ASC' write_field_separator = 'X'. ... CHAR255, C, 255, SPACE, X, Vector Containing an 'X' for the Column To Be Copied. CONFIRM_OVERWRITE, CHAR01, C, 1, SPACE, X, Overwrite File Only After Confirmation. DAT_MODE, CHAR01, C, 1, SPACE, X, Numeric and Date Fields Written in ws_download 'DAT' Format. FILENAME, STRING, g, 0, Name of file. I tried using GUI_DOWNLOAD but the downloaded PDF file is not opening in presentation server. Thanks. I believe you were directly using GUI_DOWNLOAD for saving the file in 'PDF' format before generating the PDF content. So please.. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_save_dialog Hola buen día, Estoy usando cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download para exportar un alv a excel, pero dicho método no me exporta las cabeceras de las columnas, intenté utilizar el atributo fieldnames como tipo tabla y estructura pero me saca error y me dice que no es compatible con el parámetro. set_default_style() + column resizing #295. Closed. cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download( EXPORTING bin_filesize = bytecount filename = filename. SHIFT lv_value LEFT DELETING LEADING space. lo_element_2->set_attribute_ns( name = lc_xml_attr_style value = lv_value ). ENDIF. "ins issue #. Determination of a file name on the presentation server using a file selection dialog. WS_FILENAME_GET is the obsolete function used for this scope, it has two operation modes: Open and Save. In Open mode. CALL FUNCTION 'WS_FILENAME_GET' EXPORTING * DEF_FILENAME = ' ' * DEF_PATH = ' ' Now I would like to have the fieldnames in row 1 of the internal table, i.e.: MANDT MATNR WERKS 001 ABCDE CC01 001 GHIJK CC02 Hope this is clearer. Thanks. EDIT: I'm using cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download. if there's another way of adding the headers to the output file, then I'd be happy to. Upload / download file using internal table. Here's the code to upload download file of internal table. Here it uses FMs gui_upload and gui_download, intead of this you can use methods GUI_UPLOAD and GUI_DOWNLOAD in the class CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES. Code using gui_upload and gui_download :. When we download the data from the SAP using FMs like GUI_DOWNLOAD or WA_DOWNLOAD (absolute); or the method of class CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>GUI_DOWNLOAD.. To select all the columns do like: Click on first column, Hold the shift key, scroll to last column, click on last column. cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download( EXPORTING. filename = lv_fullpath.. LOOP AT it_clipboarddata ASSIGNING FIELD - SYMBOL (). * die Zeilen am TAB... o_workbook->set_attribute_node( o_doc->create_namespace_decl( name = 'x' prefix = 'xmlns' uri = 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel' ) ). Download excel file with leading zeros using GUI_DOWNLOAD in SAP ABAP-Many SAP consultants facing the issue, when we download data into GUI and the leading zeros are. The file dialog of the download module is available in the class Cl_Gui_Frontend_Services.. Column-by-column transfer. Then double click the domain to display the domain then double click the convers. routine name. ( ISOLA in. At this point you can just continue using cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download on it_table.. Table DD04L contains the conversion exit for each table field, and then we do something likes this : CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING * BIN_FILESIZE = filename = ld_filename "File Name filetype = 'ASC' * IMPORTING * FILELENGTH = TABLES data_tab = it_excelfile "Data table EXCEPTIONS file_write_error = 1 no_batch = 2 gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3 invalid_type = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy-subrc 0. xexcel-fld1 = 'Field 1'. xexcel-fld2 = 'Field 2'. xexcel-fld3 = 'Field 3'. append xexcel to iexcel. loop at it001 into xt001. xexcel-fld1 = xt001-bukrs. xexcel-fld2 = xt001-butxt. xexcel-fld3 = xt001-ort01. append xexcel to iexcel. endloop. call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download exporting filename = 'C:/test.xls' I'll use it to name the first row of each column according to the FIELDNAME used in the current column --> name="Names"> data to local file cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download( EXPORTING bin_filesize = lv_file_length filename = mv_filename filetype = 'BIN'. указываю параметр P_FILETYPE = 'DBF'(Этот ф-й модуль в свою очередь вызывает метод cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download, а онвызывает. Если исходить из функциональности DOWNLOAD то тип FIELDNAMES это char10 ну или если быть точным то тип С с длиной 10. Таблица. 이들 Function Module에 대한 대체될 Function들은 'SFES' Function Group에서 찾을 수 있다. (WS_ GUI_ 로 변경). 'SFES' Function Group은 내부가 CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES Class의 Method들로 구현됨. GUI_FILE_SAVE_DIALOG : Get Download File Name. GUI_DOWNLOAD : Download. GUI_UPLOAD : Upload. *Structure declaration for header - fieldnames. TYPES : BEGIN OF TY_HEADER, FIELDNAME(100) TYPE C, END OF TY_HEADER. *Internal table and workarea declaration for header. DATA : IT_EXCEL_HEADER TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF TY_HEADER INITIAL SIZE 0, WA_EXCEL_HEADER TYPE. I had to write a few SAP ABAP programs which required the uploading of a CSV file in order to import data into SAP. Instead of writing and then copying a FORM into multiple programs (or calling the FORM from another program, or creating a function module, etc.) I developed an ABAP class that would. id TYPE char3, name TYPE char20, marks type char4, END OF type_stud. "making Structure for file upload. DATA: t_stud TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF type_stud, "Internal table for that "Structure. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload. EXPORTING. Making header of all column ASCII File Read - CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>GUI_UPLOAD Method 를 이용하여 ASCII File 에서 Data 를 읽어 Internal Table 에 저장한다. CALL METHOD. DATA : BEGIN OF H_CAT OCCURS 0, IDX(02) TYPE N, "Index FIELD(30) TYPE C, "Field Name TITLE(20) TYPE C, "Title END OF H_CAT. DATA : BEGIN OF. FORM F_SAVE_TO_EXCEL USING pt_output TYPE tt_output. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_fieldname, field(20) TYPE c, END OF ty_fieldname. DATA: lv_dname TYPE string, lv_fname TYPE string, lv_path TYPE string, lv_fpath TYPE string, lv_usr_act TYPE i, lit_fldname TYPE TABLE OF ty_fieldname, Upload file from Local PC to SAP * Read file name user has choosen CLEAR: lw_file_table, lv_filename. READ TABLE lt_file_table INTO lw_file_table INDEX 1. lv_filename = lw_file_table-filename. REFRESH lt_upload. CLEAR lv_filelength. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload EXPORTING filename. CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING filename = ld_fullpath filetype = 'DAT' * IMPORTING * FILELENGTH = TABLES data_tab = lt_out_data fieldnames = gt_header EXCEPTIONS file_write_error = 1 no_batch = 2 gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3 invalid_type = 4 no_authority = 5 unknown_error = 6. We want to keep things very simple, so let's say a data set shall be of a type person with the fields customer_id , first_name and last_name . It's easy to. Get the XML file from your client CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload EXPORTING filename = gs_file CHANGING data_tab = gt_itab. determine the name of the PDF file for the start page call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog changing file_table = files rc = rc. if rc = 1. read table. create and upload watermark * only if the user specifies a bitmap file fl = p_bmp. call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload exporting filename = fl. Here you can also see how to disabled or grey out a field by using screen attribute input = 0 during selection screen output. The function to be call are. RETFIELD = 'CARRID' “field name on f4 help window. DYNPPROG = SY-. call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download exporting filename. Tabla de salida DATA: lt_campos TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF dd03l WITH HEADER LINE, lt_rollname TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF dd04t WITH HEADER LINE, lt_cabeceras TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF fieldnames, wa_cabeceras TYPE fieldnames. DATA: lt_salida TYPE TABLE OF t001, " Tabla a listar wa_salida. end of it_datatab. call function 'GUI_DOWNLOAD'. exporting. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_save_dialog. EXPORTING. "COL_SELECTMASK. filetype_no_show = 'X' "Show file type selection? * IMPORTING. * act_filename = filename_dat. TABLES. data_tab = it_excelfile "Data table. * fieldnames =. CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_DOWNLOAD' 的时候在TABLE里面加上FIELDNAMES = T_FIELDNAMES. 问题二:导出的EXCLE里面,. You can determine the desired codepage interactively, if the parameter with_encoding of method file_save_dialog is set by cl_gui_frontend_services. SPACE: Codepage of the. SAP CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES ,Frontend Services -Methods | ABAP, SAPdocumentation and ABAP source code... system field SY-SUBRC, 421. TYPE and LIKE keyword, 420–421. YCL_CH08_14_CUST_LIST_WOUTSTRU, 423–426. ABAP language, 575 built-in class method. (see CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES) context menu built-in-class method, 624 call back subroutine, 625 creation, 620 description, 620 function key settings. It's possible to limit the data that gets downloaded by using the Data selection button after you've selected the table and field names.... lt_path type string occurs 0 with header line. call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload exporting filename = pv_file changing data_tab = lt_dummy exceptions. On the other hand, GUI controls often work with large amounts of data, which is why frequent data transfers between the ABAP program (application server) and the GUI control. 1812362 - CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES: No Signalize at Internal error... 1721133 - Field technical names in local tab order config dialog. file_table = lt_file " Table Holding Selected Files rc = lv_rc ). " Return Code, Number of Files or -1 If Error Occurred READ TABLE lt_file INTO ls_file INDEX 1. IF sy-subrc = 0. lv_filename = ls_file-filename. ENDIF. cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload( EXPORTING filename = lv_filename " Name of file Spreadsheet CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload EXPORTING filename = p_file filetype = 'BIN' read_by_line = ' ' IMPORTING filelength = lv_size. Neuen Bereich definieren, falls notwendig: lr_spreadsheet->insert_range_dim( EXPORTING name = 'Mein_Bereich' top = 1 left = 1 rows = 10 columns = 10. Dynamic call of the static method GUI_DOWNLOAD of global class CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES for storing the content of an internal table in a file on the current presentation server. The names of the class and method are specified in the strings class and meth. The interface parameters are passed in the internal table. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload. EXPORTING filename. iterator TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node_iterator, nodemap TYPE REF TO if_ixml_named_node_map, attr TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node, name TYPE string, prefix TYPE. WRITE: AT indent name COLOR COL_POSITIVE INVERSE. it_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat optional -> field catalog for list viewer control it_sort type lvc_t_sort optional -> alv.. cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download( exporting bin_filesize = g_size.. I have requirement where I need to change TAB name on excel created using this method. Can you please suggest,. Utilities to upload/download transport requests from/to front-end PC SDN Community Contribution (This is not an official SAP document.) Disclaimer & Liability … DB:3.23:Pop-Up For Data Format In Method Cl_Gui_Frontend_Services=Gui_Download sj. Hi all,. In upload and download function modules we will get One Pop-Up in that we have File Name and Data Format Options.... DB:2.58:How To Modify Column Width For A Pop Up Created By Callback Class Method pc. if it is found...intanciate it so you can call the right value help create object targetObject type (objectLine-classname) exporting name = _objName.... l_fileName = p_filename. call method CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>GUI_UPLOAD exporting FILENAME = l_fileName changing data_tab = tempTable EXCEPTIONS. Instead of hardcoding the file names, it is possible to define generic names which are called "logical filenames". They may be defined using FILE. function module. Snippet; or CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>GUI_UPLOAD method; Note: UPLOAD and WS_UPLOAD function modules are obsolete. BC-FES-GUI (Application Component) Graphical User Interface ⤷ SCET (Package) Control Enabling... Method CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR on class CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES has no parameter. Method CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR on.... des ws_downloa, 20030313. 9, Importing, FIELDNAMES, Call by reference The requirement was to create have image in a database table and print the image on adobe form when required. For E.x. for an employee his photo should be printed on the adobe form. Tech. : abap , abap webdynpro , adobe forms. Procedure. Step 1. Create a database table . Ztest_photo_base , fields : -. The BDCs in the upgraded version will become defective as many of its screen field names will be changed during version change. • Program texts of many.. OTHERS = 22. 4. Obsolete FM: UPLOAD Replacement Method and FM: CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>FILE_OPEN_DIALOG GUI_UPLOAD DATA: lv_length TYPE i, lt_data_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF x255, lv_docx TYPE xstring, lv_string TYPE string, lv_xml TYPE xstring, lr_docx TYPE REF TO cl_docx_document, lr_main TYPE REF TO cl_docx_maindocumentpart. * Upload file. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload To download SAP data from internal SAP table to MS excel using ABAP GUI_DOWNLOAD. Follow the following steps:. DATA: lo_gui TYPE REF TO cl_gui_frontend_services, lv_title TYPE string, lv_folder. FORM Z_CONVERT_EXCEL . "This part of code to add column name in the downloaded file. name TYPE string, size TYPE i, data TYPE solix_tab, END OF ty_bin_file. TYPES :BEGIN OF ty_data, data TYPE c LENGTH 255, END OF ty_data. DATA: gt_bindata TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_bin_file,.. cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download( EXPORTING bin_filesize = lv_out filename = pv_dest_filepath Field symbols are similar to pointers in C. They store the address of the variable it is assined to and when any change is made to the field symbol the value of the variable it is referencing is changed. Here we will have to know the program name,stucture and field name on which the changes need to be reflected. We find that. (used the class method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog to open the file directory and cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload to upload the data) • Developed a conversion. Project: Nike brand and Swoosh symbol are the most recognized and respected names in Footwear and Apparel Industry. Nike has set. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download EXPORTING filename = gdf_filepath filetype = 'ASC' write_field_separator = 'X' CHANGING data_tab = gdt_data. filetype is set.. The database table has the same name, same number of fields and the fields have the same names. The database. All we need to provide is a file name and the sample data as a string table. * Check if the user clicked OK IF gv_useraction 0. EXIT. ENDIF. * Do the actual download CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download EXPORTING filename = gv_filename CHANGING data_tab = gt_data.