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More at PowerfulPython.com.The only problem: almost all are written for those new to programming, new to Python, or bothstunningly intuitive, compellingly reusableto functions and classes;Toggle navigation pythonbooks Beginner Intermediate Language mastery Application walk-through All books for intermediate Python programmers Topical Algorithm and Data Structure Biology Computer Security Engineering Finance Geographic Information System GUI Development Graphics and Computer Vision High Performance Computing Machine Learning and AI Microcontrollers Natural Language Processing Numerical Programming and Data Mining Raspberry Pi Web Scraping Web Development All topical books Others Kid's books Books for experienced programmers new to Python Reference books Free books iPhone and iPad Apps for Absolute Beginn, andincentivizeYour chapter on decorators is the best I have seen on that topicamplifying the impact of the code you write, improving your reputation among your peers, and even helping your career! You'll gain a profound and fundamental understanding of how iteration truly works in Python
Powerful Python is differentPowerful Pythonwith full explanation and support for getting the same results with Python 2.7Potent exception patternsand how to create rich, powerful, sophisticated logger subsystems, to meet the considerably greater logging needs of mission-critical Python applications How to fully leverage Python's exception and error model
Forget choosing one or the other - let's go for both! (This isn't just for Python, by the way.) Deep and detailed instruction on how to write practical, realistic unit tests (and other forms of automated tests), and leverage little-known Python features to magnify the value tests bring to your development How to use test-driven development to easily get into a state of flowJohn Beauford (johnbeauford) Powerful Python is already helping me get huge optimization gainsNearly everything in the book applies 100% to your Python 2.7 code, except for some differences in syntaxThis entry was posted on Sunday, August 20th, 2017 at 3:39 pm and is filed under Programming, Web DevelopmentMore from Programming Python High Performance Programming HTML5, JavaScript, and jQuery 24-Hour Trpowerfully Pythonic exception-handling patternsThank you! It has really helped me grasp some advanced concepts that I felt were beyond my abilities." - Nick S., Colorado, USA For data scientists, back-end engineers, web developers, sysadmins, devops, QA testers and more1 Doing More with Python 1.1 Python Versions 1.2 Python Application Environments 1.3 Python Package Management 2 Scaling With Generators 2.1 Iteration in Python 2.2 Generator Functions 2.3 Generator Patterns and Scalable Composability 2.4 Python is Filled With Iterators 2.5 The Iterator Protocol 3 Creating Collections with Comprehensions 3.1 List Comprehensions 3.2 Formatting For Readability (And More) 3.3 Multiple Sources and Filters 3.4 Comprehensions and Generators 3.5 Dictionaries, Sets, and Tuples 3.6 Limits of Comprehensions 4 Advanced Functions 4.1 Accepting & Passing Variable Arguments 4.2 Functions As Objects 4.3 Key Functions in Python 5 Decorators 5.1 The Basic Decorator 5.2 Data In Decorators 5.3 Decorators That Take Arguments 5.4 Class-based Decorators 5.5 Decorators For Classes 5.6 Preserving the Wrapped Function 6 Exceptions and Errors 6.1 The Basic Idea 6.2 Exceptions Are Objects 6.3 Raising Exceptions 6.4 Catching And Re-raising 6.5 The Most Diabolical Python Anti-Pattern 7 Classes and Objects: Beyond The Basics 7.1 Quick Note on Python 2 7.2 Properties 7.3 The Factory Patterns 7.4 The Observer Pattern 7.5 Magic Methods 7.6 Rebelliously Misusing Magic Methods 8 Automated Testing and TDD 8.1 What is Test-Driven Development? 8.2 Unit Tests And Simple Assertions 8.3 Fixtures And Common Test Setup 8.4 Asserting Exceptions 8.5 Using Subtests 8.6 Final thoughts 9 String Formatting 9.1 Replacing Fields 9.2 Number Formats (and "Format Specs") 9.3 Width, Alignment, and Fill 9.4 F-Strings 9.5 Percent Formatting 10 Logging in Python 10.1 The Basic Interface 10.2 Configuring The Basic Interface 10.3 Passing Arguments 10.4 Beyond Basic: Loggers 10.5 Log Destinations: Handlers and Streams 10.6 Logging to Multiple Destinations 10.7 Record Layout with Formatters 11 What's Next? IndexHow to use
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