June 2010
Why does it matter if no one will see? The scars won’t be hidden; it’s now a part of me. I walk around in school, invisible like air. No one would notice if I was sitting on their chair. The scars
The teens are about growing up. To take responsibility. But all the new words I learn, It just makes me dizzy.
f r e d a g . . . Vet inte om jag orkar lägga upp bilderna från festen, men Linn - du får ett USB-minne imorgon. xxxxx Ord som 'älska' och 'kärlek'. Skitsnack. Mina vänner - ni vet vilka n
Everything was easier when you were little. But no matter how much I wish I could go back, I can't change my mistakes in the past. Jag vill vara fem år igen. Femton är ganska värdelöst.