Thursday 4 October 2012 photo 22/41
Kommer ni ihåg min awful rendition of Nu grönskar det häromdagen? Mariska på fiolforumet (holländare – se där, Agnes, jag har också fått en holländsk kompis!) sa att hon kunde den förut men hade tappat bort sina noter. Jag ba "I will fix!" och skrev dem i Notepad Finale. Eftersom pianoboken är hos föräldrarna så skrev jag dem ur minnet, men sen kom jag på att hon säkert hade spelat originalet av Bach, Bondekantaten:
Mariska hade lagt upp den länken i min tråd.
Så jag fixade och la bilden ovan på forumet med texten
"So, I wrote the notes down. Since the little girl seems to be playing in A major, I wrote it in that (below) as well as in D. And since she plays differently from me in a few places, I can only assume that's how the song really went until some Swede changed it to give it lyrics, so I wrote it down like she plays it instead of the way I know it… Her version still jars my ears a bit, but I'm sure I can get used to it if I learn to play it myself! I also added those little sweepy tie thingees where she plays more than one note on a bow stroke.
Now, pauses have never been my strong side so this may or may not be entirely correct. But useful, hopefully!"
Jag visste inte att jag kunde sånt här!
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Comment the photo
Sat 6 Oct 2012 22:50
Jamenduvet, jag har ju en genomgripande störning i utvecklingen. ;)
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