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MCRP 3-3.8 · AMCI Army and Marine Corps Integration in Joint Operations, 29 May 1996, HTML. FM 90-36. MCRP 3-16.1F NWP 2-01.11. AFJPAM 10-225 · Targeting: The Joint Targeting Process and Procedures For Targeting Time-Critical Targets, 25 Jul 1997, PDF. FM 90-38. MCRP 3-25B NWP 6-02.1. AFJPAM 10-228. ... FM 3-21.91 Tactical Employment of Antiarmor Platoons and Companies - November 2002 · FM 3-21.220 Static Line Parachuting Techniques and Training - September 2003 · FM 3-22 Army Support to Security Cooperation (Incl C1) - January 2013 · FM 3-22.9 Rifle Marksmanship M16-/M4- Series Weapons - August 2008. This page is a huge list of all types of military manuals pdf and will cover a huge array of subjects. The military manuals pdf page is about as comprehensive a source you can find. 22-51. HEADQUARTERS. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. Washington, DC, 29 September 1994. LEADERS' MANUAL FOR COMBAT STRESS CONTROL. TABLE OF.. 9-5. Operations Other Than War (Peacetime Contingency Operations). 9-6. Stress Problems of Military Operations Other Than War. CHAPTER 10. FM 22-6 · Guard Duty. FM 22-9 · Soldier Performance in Continuous Operations · FM 22-51 · Leaders' Manual for Combat Stress Control. FM 22-100 · Military Leadership · FM 22-101 · Leadership Counseling. FM 22-102 · Soldier Team Development · FM 23-10 · Sniper Training. FM 23-11 · 90mm Recoilless Rifle, M67. United States War Department/Department of the Army Field Manual Collection - Science Reference Guide - Research Finding Aids from the Library of Congress, Science Reference Services. The full text of selected U.S. Army Field Manuals (FMs), Training Circulars (TCs), and Technical Manuals (TMs), War Department Pamphlets (WD PAMs) and Department of the Army Pamphlets (DA PAMs), which particularly address some of the current research needs and interests of The Judge Advocate General's Legal. 9. Figure 2. Leadership Factors Inherent in U.S. Army Doctrine. Source: FM 22-100, Military Leadership. (1983), 45. consideration for leaders at higher levels in the Army. The attributes of a leader listed also only focused on the tactical level with the three overall types of leadership action skills – providing. United States Army Field Manuals are published by the United States Army's Army Publishing Directorate. As of 27 July 2007, some 542 field manuals were in use. They contain detailed information and how-tos for procedures important to soldiers serving in the field. Starting in 2010, the US Army began review and revision. This collection of US-Army Field Manuals incomplete and provided for educational and research purposes.... 2013 [supersedes FM 6-02.72 as of 2010] [identical with MCRP 3-40.3A, NTTP 6-02.2 and AFTTP 3-2.18] (pdf); ADP 6-22: Army Leadership, including Change 1, 10 September 2012 (pdf) FM 22-10. This manual supersedes TC 6, 19 July 1948 and Department of the. Army Pamphlet 22-1, 28 December 1948. LEADERSHIP. DEPARTMENT OF THE. 9-11. 10 traits. II. Leadership techniques. _ 12-16. 18. CHAPTER. 3. SPECIAL LEADERSHIP TECHNIQUES. Section I. Introduction ____.- ______ _-_. 17. 36. II. A jihadi Telegram channel provided dozens of explosive manuals to “fellow lions," offering descriptions of various types, sharing explosive-related news, and adding commentary and incitements. "Soldiers represent what's best about the Army. Day in and day out, in the dark and in the mud and in faraway places, they execute tough missions whenever and wherever the Nation calls. They deserve our very best-leaders of character and competence who act to achieve excellence. That theme resounds throughout FM. [FREE BOOK] 22 009 Military Manuals.PDF. You can download and read online PDF file Book 22. 009 Military Manuals only if you are registered here.Download and read online 22 009 Military. Manuals PDF Book file easily for everyone or every device. And also You can download or readonline all file. MN357 U.S. Navy Manual "GUNNERY SENSE." This manual is titled "Gunnery Sense, Some Hints for Air Gunners." It is 7 by 9 1/2 inches in size, dated August 1942, issued by the Training Division, Bureau of Aeronautics, United States Navy, 22 pages and in very good condition. $25. Table of Contents – Manual for Military Commissions i. CONTENTS. PART I. PREAMBLE... COMMISSION COMPOSITION AND. PERSONNEL, CONVENING MILITARY COMMISSIONS. Rule 501. Composition and personnel of military commissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-22. (a) Composition of a military commission..... Page 9. HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. COLLECTOR OPERATIONS. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. September 2006. DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. NOTE: All previous versions of this manual are obsolete. This document is identical in content. Army Air Forces. 2. Cavalry. 3. Chemical Warfare Service. 4. Coast Artillery Corps. 5. Corps of Engineers. 6. Field Artillery. 7. Infantry. 8. Medical Department. 9.. Corps of Chaplains. 17. Armored Force. 18. Tank Destroyer. 19. Military Police. 20 to 31. Basic Field Manuals. 20. Miscellaneous. 21. Individual Soldier. 22. COMBAT STRESS CONTROL IN A THEATER OF OPERATIONS. 3,372KB. FM 8-284. 17 JUL 00. TREATMENT OF BIOLOGICAL WARFARE AGENT CASUALTIES. 946KB. FM 8-285. 22 DEC 95. TREATMENT OF CHEMICAL AGENT CASUALTIES AND CONVENTIONAL MILITARY CHEMICAL INJURIES. 6,435KB. FM 9-13. The TRICARE Policy Manual (TPM) is incorporated by reference in the Managed Care Support Services (MCSS) contracts and is the principal vehicle for operating guidelines and instructions. The TPM provides a mechanism for keeping the contracts current by clarifying or modifying existing contractual. United States Army Field Manuals are published by the United States Army's Army Publishing Directorate. As of 27 July 2007, some 542 field manuals were in use. They contain detailed information and how-tos for procedures important to soldiers serving in the field. They are usually available to the public. Field Manual. Headquarters. No. 22-100. Department of the Army. Washington, DC, 31 August 1999. Army Leadership. Contents. Page.. 22-100, 31 July 1990; FM 22-101, 3 June 1985; FM 22-102, 2 March 1987; FM. 22-103, 21 June 1987; DA Pam 600-80, 9 June 1987; and DA Form 4856, June 1985. Army Leadership. 1M 9-1005-211-34. DEPARTMENT. OF THE ARM Y , ECH II-C ALI A. U A L. DIRECT AND GENERAL. SUPPORT. MAINTENANCE. MANUAL. PISTOL, CALIBER .45,. AUTOMATIC, M1911A1 .HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT. OF THE ARMY. 22 JUNE /964. MILPERSMAN, Part 1, Chapter 3—Military Personnel Policy Manual.. to the CDF in Section 9 of the Defence Act 1903 and is supported by the service.... 3–22. Service obligations are used to collectively refer to either a ROSO or an IMPS. Service Option (SERVOP) provides the Services with the means. Military Mountaineering (TC 90-6-1) BK087. Military Mountaineering (TC 90-6-1). $6.99. CAL. .22 HI-STD Ruger Mark 1 CAL. .38 S&W CAL BK088. CAL. .22 HI-STD Ruger Mark 1 CAL. .38 S&W CAL. 30-06 Win. rifle Win. Mod. 70 Win. (TM 9-1005-226-14). $6.99. Commercial Rifles (TM 9-1005-206-14P/4) BK089. U.S. Army Field Manuals of World War II: Doctrine, Field Manuals, etc. More than 800,000 copies of the second edition of the “Financial Field Manual: The Personal Finance Guide for Military Families" will be distributed on military bases around the world and directly by state securities agencies, under a partnership of the Investor Protection Trust (IPT), the Investor Protection Institute (IPI), the. FM 29-5 Military Police (8 Dec 1941) (2.39MB). FM 30-26 Regulations for Correspondents Accompanying U.S. Army Forces in the Field (21 Jan 1942) (240KB). FM 30-27 Regulations for Civilian Operations Analysts, Scientific Consultants, and Technical Observers Accompanying U.S. Army Forces in the Field (31 Aug 1944). Below is a collection of current Technical Manuals as well as archives superseded by Unified Facilities Criteria. For additional Technical Manuals, visit the Army Publishing Directorate. Click the 'Title' or 'Date' heading to sort by ascending or descending order. View archived documents by selecting from the 'Status'.
A collection of Field Manuals, handbooks and other publications available freely on the internet. They are republished here for your convenience. Note: All subject matter is for informational purposes only. Field Manuals. For a complete index of Army publications, click here. FM 1-20 Military History Operations; FM 2-0. You must not circulate this book in any other cover and you must impose the same condition on any acquirer. ISBN 978-82-93081-02-9. military manuals an indispensable component of the overall normative framework of their armed forces. Included in this list are states with the most widespread and costly.... Page 22. FM 6-22 Army Leadership (Competent, Confident and Agile). Fm 6-22 Army Leadership (Replaced FM 22-100). FM 6-22 Army Ledership. FM 6-22 Army Leadership replaced FM 22-100 (31 August 1999). Click here to download the PDF version of FM 6-22 Army Leadership. Recently Added. Latest articles in Field Manuals. Military Field Manuals 1954-1962. 25,585 pages of military field manuals archived on CD-ROM. The 143 field manuals date from 1954 to 1962. Highlights include: TM 9-1005-206-12 Operation and Organizational Maintenance Caliber .22 Rifle M13, Remington Rifle M513T, Stevens Rifle M416-2T, and Winchester Rifle. It has been accepted for inclusion in SLIS Connecting by an authorized editor of The Aquila Digital Community. For more information, please contact Joshua.Cromwell@usm.edu. Recommended Citation. Fallis, Amanda (2016) "A Survey and Content Analysis of Army Manuals Held by the National World War II Museum. Soldier's Manual MOS 05B Radio Operator Skill Levels 1 and 2. July 1980. FM 11-21. Tactical Signal Communication Systems, Army, Corps, and Division. Radio Fundamentals. 22 May 1944. Adobe_PDF_icon.png TM 11-459: International Morse Code (Instructions). March 1968. Adobe_PDF_icon.png. FM 2-22.3 (FM 34-52), vi (2006) [hereinafter U.S Army Field Manual on Interrogation]. And on January 22,. 2009, in an effort to further clarify U.S. interrogation.. 9. According to multiple published accounts, the communal detainee housing at. Guantánamo, for example, makes it difficult to gather intelligence. Detainees who. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Page 2. This publication is available at. Army Knowledge Online (www.us.army.mil) and. General Dennis J.... Section I. MANUAL OF ARMS—M16-SERIES RIFLE . It is a complete reprinting and incorporates the MCM (2012 Edition), including all amendments to the Preamble, Rules for Courts-Martial (R.C.M.), Military Rules of. Materials accompanying the MCM as published in the Federal Register on 8 July 2015, 16 July 2015, 22 March 2016, 15 June 2016, 8 November 2016, and 8. Searching collections: Obsolete Military Manuals. Add or remove collections. Home arrow Obsolete Military Manuals arrow FM 22-5 1941 (OBSOLETE) : Basic field manual, infantry drill regulations. Reference URL. Rate. Save to favorites Remove from favorites. To link to this object, paste this link in email,. Purpose: This manual is composed of several volumes, each containing its own purpose. In accordance with authority in DoD Directive (DoDD) 5124.02 and DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1348.33: • This manual implements policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for managing the. DoD Military. US Field Manuals. PDF Downloads Right click, Save Target As… ARMY AIR FORCE FIELD MANUALS. FM 1-10, Tactics. FM 1-40, Intelligence Procedure in Aviation Units Dated: September 9, 1940. FM 1-55, Reference Data, Administration Dated: April 22, 1942. FM 1-60, Reviews and Inspections Dated: April 4, 1941. 22000 Military Manuals Survival Books military field manuals cd rom dvd rom Collection of U.S. Military Manuals and Courses $27 with free shipping. We offer a wide range of Survival products and information/Military Manuals, military field manuals, fm, military technical manuals, military training manuals, firearm manuals,. This manual prescribes the safety and health requirements for all US Army Corps of Engineers activities and operations, with reference to applicable regulations.. Section 8. Accident Prevention Signs, Tags, Labels, Signals, Piping System Identification, and Traffic Control (pdf). Section 9. Fire Prevention and Protection (pdf). 18 Department of Defense Directive 2310.01E, DoD Law of War Program ¶5.1.4 (May 9, 2006, Certified Current as of Feb. 22, 2011) (providing for a “DoD Law of War Working Group, consisting of representatives, at the election by each of the GC, DoD; the General Counsel of each Military Department; the Counsel to the. FM 22-5. Preface. This field manual provides guidance for Armywide uniformity in the conduct of drill and ceremonies. It includes methods of. This manual is designed for use by soldiers of all military occupational skills,... 9 inches straight to the front and 6 inches straight to the rear of the trouser seams. THE STANDING COMMITTEE TO KEEP THE MANUAL FOR COUKTS-MARTIAL UP-TO-DATE Colonel Walter L. Lewis The Manual for Courts-Martial, 1951, was the. He is a member of the bars of Virginia, the United States Supreme Court, and the United States Court of Military Appeal's.. 1*009, 0 Mai 1962, 27 Pod. FORM NSO 124. NAVY. FILING MANUAL. Fourth Edition. 1941. UNITED STATES. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. WASHINGTON : 1941... A2-7. Regulations other than army and navy. Dock, harbor, police, quarantine, customs, etc. A2-8. Presidential decrees. Executive orders. Proclamations. A2-9... Page 22. 42WLA-EXP, Harley-Davidson manual for uncrating and assebling a WLA Military 45" V-Twin Motorcycle. Full-page photos illustrated every step. 24pp, 1942. $12. TM 9-2320-209-10-3-1, Organizational Maintenance for 2½-ton truck, M35A2, M44A2, M50A2, etc. May 1981 (Vol 3 of 3, Part 1 of 4) Covers clutch, fuel system,. FM 22-6. FIELD MANUAL. GUARD. DUTY. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. SEPTEMBER 1971. This copy is a reprint which includes current.. and deleted at the end of a specified time, or on a certain data. 9. General Orders. All interior guards are required to memorize, under- stand, and comply with the.
GAO. Office of General Counsel. Second Edition 1995. Military. Personnel Law. Manual. Title III—Retired. Pay, Separation. Payments, and. Death Payments. 44. 4-6. 4-13. Subchapter 1—Constitutional Prohibition Against. Foreign Employment. Subchapter n—Selling to the Government. 5-1. 5-9. Page contents-1. FM 22-100. ARMY LEADERSHIP. BE, KNOW, DO. August 1999. Headquarters, Department of the Army. DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release;. *FM 22-100. Field Manual. Headquarters. No. 22-100. Department of the Army. Washington, DC, 31 August 1999. Army Leadership. Contents. Page. Horse-Mounted Bands of the U.S. Army, 1820–1940 Bruce P. Gleason. 34. Henderson, “WWII Bandsman and Bandleader," 1. 35. U.S. Army, Chief of Infantry, Chief of Cavalry, and Army Band, Band Field Manual, 58–59. While past eras. Anna Waller (U.S. Army Office of the Quartermaster General, XVIII3–009, 1958), 22. 6. CUCV M1008 M1009 M1010 M1028 Military Vehicle Technical Manuals. Cultural Organization. Convention for the Protection of. Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. Protection of Cultural. Property. Military Manual. §§20–22. (iv) The World Heritage Convention. §§23–26. (v). The 1970 UNESCO Convention. §27. (vi) United Nations Security Council resolutions. §28.. Page 9. Includes index. Issued 22 December, 1943. Supersedes FM 27-5 (30 July 1940), including Change no. 1 (22 Dec. 1942). I. General -- II. Civil affairs responsibilities -- III. Organization of military government -- IV. Personnel -- V. Planning -- VI. Proclamations, orders, ordinances, and instructions -- VII. Military. TM 9-2250-311-0-1 Organizational Maintenance Manual for Hull2 Powerp36nt2 Drive Controls2 Tracks2 SuspenNTon and Associated Components2 Howitzer2. Manual Including 2epair Parts and 2pecial Tools Lists: Intercommunication 2et AN/80O-1 TM 11-2225-326-15 Nperator's Nrganizational2 P22 N22 and Pepot. FDS, BSY-2, F-22, JSTARS, and V-22.. military and commercial implementations. Clearly, IETMs have moved "From. Research to Reality." BACKGROUND. For decades, the United States Department of. Defense has experienced impaired field readiness due to serious problems with Technical Manuals (TMs) and. The Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM), United States (2016 Edition) updates the MCM (2012 Edition). It is a complete reprinting and incorporates the MCM (2012 Edition), including all amendments to the Preamble, Rules for Courts-Martial (R.C.M.), Military Rules of Evidence (Mil. R. Evid.), Punitive Articles, and Nonjudicial. The Army's field manual on leadership is an extraordinarily sophisticated document, founded in sound psychological research and psychiatric theory, as well as military practice. It articulates the core faculties that officers, including commanders, need in order to fulfill their jobs. From the manual's 135 dense. FM 3-25, Chemical Laboratory Company. FM 3-30, Chemical Processing Company (Theater of Operations). FM 3-50, Large Area Smoke Screening. FM 3-65, Chemical Depot Company. FM 3-70, Chemical Decontamination Company. Coast Artillery Field Manuals: *, FM 4-5, Seacoast Artillery: Organization and Tactics. Liddell Hart: 15/8/9. 1888. 'War-game maps' by Henry T Crook, Capt, 1 Lancashire Engineer Volunteers (J E Cornish, Manchester, 1889). 1 booklet... 'Tactical handling of army tank battalions part II, battle drill and manoeuvre, military training pamphlet 22', issued by the War Office (William Clowes and Sons, London Aug. Find great deals on eBay for Army Manual in Books About Nonfiction. Shop with confidence. This database contains approximately 900 U.S. military manuals and publications dating from 1863-1973. Publication types include, but are not limited to: General Orders; Regulations; Field manuals; Technical manuals; Organizational manuals; Equipment manuals. These manuals and publications represent historical. regulations in this volume. Subchapters B-M (as reorganized and redesignated at 19 F.R. 8778, Dec. 22, 1954) subchapTER B-TRANSPORTATION New Part No. Old Part No. 31 Transportation by Military Air Transport Service------------ 416 32 Transportation by aircraft other than Military Air Transport Service----------------------. TECHNICAL MANUAL. NO. 9-2320-272-24-1. TECHNICAL ORDER. NO. 36A12-1C-1155-2-1. HEADQUARTERS. DEPARTMENTS OF THE ARMY AND.... 1-22 l-24. 1-13. EQUIPMENT CHARACTERISTICS, CAPABILITIES, AND FEATURES a. The M939, M939A1, and M939A2 (M939/A1/A2) series of. V i o l a t i o n s o f t h e s e c u s t o m s should be charged under Article 92 as violations of the regulations in which they appear if the regulation is punitive. See paragraph 16c. (3) Conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces (clause 2). “Discredit" means to injure the reputation of. This clause of Article 134. Commandant Instruction Manual (CIM) is a permanent directive over 25 pages with enclosures. Manuals require a table of contents and must be organized by chapters and sections. When a manual imposes reporting requirements, they will appear in the prescribing LOP. Manuals must be reviewed every four years for. 4-21 and 4-22. 4-31 and 4-32. 4-37 through 4-42. 4-45 and 4-46 i and ii v and 1-0. 1-1 through 1-14 blank. 2-1 and 2-2. 2-5 and 2-6. 2-9 through 2-14... MAINTENANCE MANUAL (INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS. Publications), through the Internet, on the Army Electronic Product Support (AEPS) website. This manual describes the movements and procedures for saluting, drill, ceremonies, reviews, and parades. It implements AFPD 36-22, Military Training. This manual is for general use throughout the. US Air Force and is a guide for persons teaching, learning, or participating in drill and ceremonies. (See. The U.S. Army Leadership Field Manual | The Center for Army Leadership | ISBN: 0639785387121 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. *FIELD MANUAL. HEADQUARTERS. NO. 4-25.11. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY,. NAVY TACTICAL. THE NAVY, AND THE AIR FORCE. REFERENCE. Washington, DC, 23 December 2002. PUBLICATION. NO. 4-02.1. AIR FORCE MANUAL. NO. 44-163(I). FIRST AID. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. PREFACE. 9. Chapter Highlights. Chapter 1. 2. Chapter 2. 3. Chapter 3. 4. Chapter 4. 5. Chapter 5. 6. Chapter 6. 7. Chapter 7. 8. The U.S. Army Leadership Field Manual is the. Army environment. -‐ Examples: Theatre Commander-‐In-‐. Chief, Department of Defense Leader. 2. While the purpose for the initial creation of FM 22-‐100. 2.5.9. Many Important Decisions Are Not Made by Generals. 32. 2.5.10. Concluding. 33. 3. What Is New in FM 3-24? 33. 3.1. Evolving Sanctuaries. 35. 3.2. The Politics of... 28 Galula, Counterinsurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice, p. 53 emphasis in original. 29 Counterinsurgency Army Field Manual 3-24, p. 20–22. AIR FORCE TO 36A12-1C-1155-4-1. TECHNICAL MANUAL. HEADQUARTERS. NO. 9-2320-272-24P-1. DEPARTMENTS OF THE ARMY AND THE AIR FORCE. 2028-2 located in back of this manual, directly to: Director, Armament and Chemical Acquisition and Logistics Activity,.... Page 22. Engine, Diesel, Onan model: DN4M-1, 4 cycle, 22 horsepower @ 1800 RPM, 24 VDC start, Liquid cooled. Instrumentation, Hour meter, voltmeter, frequency,. Below is a PDF to text converted manual for: ARMY TM 9-6115-642-24P AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-455-14 MARINE CORPS TM 09247A/09248A-24P/3. *ARMY TM. WWII Field Manuals The following are authentic archival copies of actual WWII Field Manuals, happily presented to you as PDF files. Actual download times will vary according to your internet connection. This page is now complete. Enjoy! FM 1-15 Army Air Force Field Manual Tactics and Technique. FM30-22 MILITARY INTELLIGENCE MANUAL ON FOREIGN SYMBOLS AND CONVENTIONAL SIGNS 1942: This is a scarce manual used by G-2 and that is printed on the cover from the printers! not written. This manual gave the identification of several countries (Enemy) of the maps and sign identification. A very early. A guide to the legislation and reference material on the Armed Forces Act 2006. LANDS MANUAL. OJ. 9 i. I. I. " Rule 3. General Land. ·Regi~ter.-The Military. Estates. Officer >0£.the. cantonment shall prepare and maintain a General.... 22. MILITARY. LA:NDS UANUAL, of any particular areas of land so entrusted to the managemen of the Cantonment Authority: The last portion of clause (1) of rule 11. This publication is available at. Army Knowledge Online (www.us.army.mil) and. General Dennis J. Reimer Training and Doctrine. Digital Library at (www.train.army.mil). ( 9 weeks). Radar Maintenance Supervisor-. Inspector (26W). Performs technical inspection of non-integrated radars, ground surveillance, weapons support,.... .(12-22 weeks). MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. Area Intelligence Specialist (97C). Performs duties as intelligence specialist. (19 weeks). Attache Specialist (71S. Home arrow Obsolete Military Manuals arrow AR 600-8-22 1995 (OBSOLETE) : Military awards. Reference URL. Rate. Save to favorites Remove from favorites. To link to this object, paste this link in email, IM or document. To embed this object, paste this HTML in website. Military Manuals - Manuals from different branches of the military. File upload ONLY - no discussion posting! It has been accepted for inclusion in the Faculty. Scholarship collection by an authorized administrator of the Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact lenzx009@umn.edu. Recommended Citation. David Weissbrodt and Andrea W. Templeton, Fair Trials? The Manual for Military Commissions in Light of. Model 1873 Trapdoor, Model 1873 Carbine, Model 1875 Officer's Rifle, Colt Single Action Army Revolver and Schofield-Smith and Wesson Army Revolver. Oct 1887. $195.00. Misc. Weapons. Spec. Series #19, Japanese Infantry Weapons (Pistols thru Artillery). Dec 1943. $95.00. TM 9-2205, Fundamentals of Small Arms. The Policy Manual is designed to adapt easily to changes in immigration law and policy. A keyword search function and numerous charts, graphs and process flow maps enable easy navigation and research. Users will also find helpful links to other adjudicative resources. Over time, the USCIS Policy. Rufus A. Long Digital Archive of Cryptology at the George C. Marshall Foundation. Page 3. Rufus A. Long Digital Archive of Cryptology at the George C. Marshall Foundation. Page 4. Rufus A. Long Digital Archive of Cryptology at the George C. Marshall Foundation. Page 5. Rufus A. Long Digital Archive of Cryptology at the. 9, AFPM 1-7, AFP Personnel Management Manual - Volume Vl – Retirement and Attrition. 10, AFPM 1-8, AFP. 12, AFPM 1-10, AFP Personnel Management Manual - Vol IX-Philippine Laws on AFP Personnel Matters. 13, AFP 15-Year. 22, AFPM12-3, Military Records Management. 23, AFPM21-1, Armed. CFAO 16-1, Leave;; CANFORGEN 034/90, Policy Change – LWOP Spousal Accompaniment;; CANFORGEN 009/96, Cash-Out of Leave Program and New Annual Leave Policy;; CANFORGEN. The Canadian Forces Leave Policy Manual is issued under the authority of the Chief Military Personnel (CMP).