March 2010
Tu n'es pas parfaitmais je ne voudrais pas avoir un tel amiil serait trop ennuyeuxtu me bats et je peux dire que tu me haismais heureusement je sais que vous et vous savez tu m'aimes. et Je t'aim
give me strength to enjoy when i'm fed up with this world give me strength to enjoy when i simply, hate this world
I have to be psychologically disturbed! I haven't seen you since friday, but I miss you like hell! Is that normal ?
It was easier to know it than to explain why I know it. If you were asked to prove that two and two made four, you might find some difficulty, and yet you are quite sure of the fact. har
Come at once if convenient. If inconvenient, come all the same. (Kom genast om det passar. Om det inte passar, kom i alla fall)