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Första snön föll i tuve 8:40 å ja ringer josse å är jätteglad... De slutade snöa 8:43
Full like a kastrull!
Hello my name is henrik schyffert and I work for Svenskt näringsliv. I am here to tell you about the Svensk alkoholpolitik. In Sweden we have the alkoholpolitik who is agai
....KUNGEN is packad! In Sweden everyone is full like a kastrull!!
This is the vanlig svensk affär, but where is the hojtaroljan? Well, its against the law to sälja vin i the vanlig svensk affär.
Sure, you can buy the folköl, the nödraket, but then you need to drink två flak för att bli så avspänd att du vågar ta en tjej på brösten. If you want
Number 307, this is kul, because it has a kork som ser ut som en liten hatt så the feststämning redan starts in the affären. ARIBA ARIBA! FULL LIKE A KASTRULL!
En mister fin som snus! Look it takes a timme to välja whiskey för 700 spänn and then he drinks it upp in the garage in 20 minuter when he’s wife is on prozac! Sov inte framför t
This is the fjortisfylla, you know it’s fun but it’s really kort. They start värming klockan fem uppe vid vattentornet and then they get hemschussade by the närpolis kvart i sju. You kno
The bag in the box. Castillo de gredos which is lattin och betyder lacknafta.
Lounson, the bögöppnare. One klunk of this and you’re ute ur gaderoben. Tittut! Ellerhur peter jihde?
This here is the östermalmstanten! You know they drink a liten flaska sherry, it tastes really good. But the downside is that you get really...
blue in the håret efter drinking to much. FULL LIKE A KASTRULL!
This is the fullgubbe! He can drink anything. Croplösare, avfettningsmedel, you name it. But today it’s lilla julafton because the sjukpension and he can afford a runda inne på bolaget. H