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Beastmaster duo guide ffxi: >> http://zbd.cloudz.pw/download?file=beastmaster+duo+guide+ffxi << (Download)
Beastmaster duo guide ffxi: >> http://zbd.cloudz.pw/read?file=beastmaster+duo+guide+ffxi << (Read Online)
13 Oct 2013 Beastmaster - The Misunderstood Class - Final Fantasy XI Online: Hello, My name is Divada, I'm a 33 Beastmaster on the Ragnarok server and I thought I would write up a little guide about my experiences as one. I do
Please feel free to add any new Beastmaster camps discovered but please stick to the format for Information expressed in a guide is usually more opinion than fact and should be taken as such. Guides are Pahh the Gullcaller can be easily duo'd during exp here using leech pets and possibly solo'd with some luck.
There are many Beastmaster guides out there already, however, I've yet to come across one that
I've got a friend who just started FFXI for the first time about two weeks ago. He is determined to play Beastmaster, so I wanted to get the BST community's advice on what would be the best job for me to team up with him. Thanks in advance.
Watch out for Mandy sleepga; your pet will be dead before you wake up if solo. Dropped Goblin Bombs and Final Sting make those harder fights worth their exp chains. Exp pts can make these camps a tough fight for pets/prey. Nice place to duo bst party in lower 30's. Opo-opo's are possible but usually more trouble than
I suggest using ffxi.somepage.com/ to find the recipes for creating the food, as well as the skill required to do so. 3.3 - Jug Pets. Jug pets are a term for monsters that Beastmasters can summon using the Call Beast job ability. These are always weaker than charmable pets, and are typically thought to spawn a few levels
Beastmaster Pet Camps. Please note: The levels provided here are solo levels, so you will need to adjust accordingly if you bring a duo or trio down to these camps. The level ranges are a little conservative to cater for melees. Adventurous mages that nuke an enemy to death can try out some of these camps one level
2 Jan 2017
SOLO GUIDE FOR YOU wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Beastmaster_Solo_Leveling_Guide DUO GUIDE
Beastmasters can solo throughout their entire career, but they can also duo or trio with other