Walking the Walk of Faith: Devotional for the Man of God
by Bessie R Brown
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The walking the walk of faith devotional for the man of God is surely a godsend for the man after God's own heart, to take on the responsibility of Noah. When God speaks, you move with passion as he lays out his plan and you follow it, to walk like Moses, giving up wealth and riches of the world to free God's people. Only because he loved and trusted God to bring them out, to be faithful like Abraham who trusted God even in his old age. He was given a son of promise because of his faith and his walk with God. God gave him the title that would last, over two thousand years ago. Even until this day, he has achieved the honor of being father of many nations. These great men walked through the valley of faith, leaning and depending on no one but God, and God seen them through it all. And you too, man of God, can also take on the walk of faith as you watch the hand of God show up every time. We are God's just ones, and he wants you and I to live by faith, desiring the things we cannot see, believing he will make them possible cause you believe and you will see them come to pass . . .
Walking the Walk of Faith: Devotional for the Man of God Bessie R Brown
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