August 2008
it's kind a funny how it works with singstar in the whole world.... singstar in germnay with some friends to Valerie:) thank to u all for a nice and fun nigth
the way back to bonn on the train .we except pascal had so much fun.... there were a crazy pink lady with a pinktail on her dog...pascal were crazy when the pink lady where talking for 35min. about he
NICE PASCAL!!!! have u watched baby giving the evil look? that's what pascal's doing rigth now---the evil look!
me and good by from us in germnay..miss u all and hope i'll see u soon again.... u know? next summer
9E SPIA6 USA SPIA7 på 4 år har ´jag hunnit med 4 olika klasser...igår fick jag reda på vilken klass det blir nu i två år, spia7 blev det tillslut. får v