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Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
It looked like it wasn't big enough for all the thirsty people... fortunately there were more like that :D
she was so busy that we had to help her preparing our own drinks haha
One liter glasses of coke and rum
The guy behind us was way ahead
Traditional picture
Stefano's place after 4 hrs sleep we're ready to go to the park
as in the picture
They were supposed to come hrs earlier...
they came
Finally going home while ppl enjoy the fountains show
Another stop between the park and the rest of the schedule
Ok ok! We took the wrong bus and we had to walk quite a lot... that can happen to anyone!
Pilar in the background... very far away
It's like we had to pass through the desert to reach that shopping center...
After a lot of walking...
We were even more this time eheh
Too bad I'm never in the pics...
It doesnt matter how bad it was, everybody wanted that!
Sangria aperitive
Too bad I didn't know they were going
We drank uncountable chupitos of any shape and color, with fire, with cream, with straws, with "tapones"... I even broke a glass banging it... I'm too strong!