June 2019
InIndian CDC in Delhi is a seafarer's identity document. This document certifies that the person holding this is a seaman as per The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification an
In Indian CDC in Delhi is a seafarer's identity document. This document certifies that the person holding this is a seaman as per The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification a
St. Kitts and Nevis STCW/ STSDSD mandatory and ....accordance with regulation VIII/2 of the 1978.MARLINS TESTMarlins English Language Test for Seafarers allows ship operators to demonstrate that seafa
Palau About this sound listen historically Belau or Pelew officially the Republic of Palau CDC in Delhi. The country contains approximately 340 islands, forming the western chain of the Caroline Islan
St. Kitts and Nevis STCW/ STSDSD mandatory and ....accordance with regulation VIII/2 of the 1978.MARLINS TESTMarlins English Language Test for Seafarers allows ship operators to demonstrate that seafa
St. Kitts and Nevis STCW/ STSDSD mandatory and ....accordance with regulation VIII/2 of the 1978.MARLINS TESTMarlins English Language Test for Seafarers allows ship operators to demonstrate that seafa
PANAMA Watch Keeping Certificate is issued only after sailing experience on any CDC of 6-9 Months. Panama Watch Keeping Hard Copy Get 7-8 Days. We provide Panama Watch Keeping. More Info: http://www.c
The Seaman book is issued only after the completion of the STCW 2010. We provide Palau CDC which requires the following: Scan the Copy of Passport 4 things are Mandatory basic STCW 95/2010 course (E
ST. KITTS & NEVIS CDC compulsory for all seafarers serving onboard. “Continuous Discharge Certificate and Identity Document (CDC)", also commonly known as a Discharge Book or Seaman's book. More Inf