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Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book ->->->->
About the author(2004)Terry Jones was born in Colwyn Bay, Wales on February 1, 1942The small version is great, but for a great deal, do get the large version as its on sale and also fast on its way to becoming Out of PrintActually, I there were some other odd little characters smooshed in the book, too.kind green, slimy looking creatures.cute critters actually.:> Frankly, I bought the book for the artwork (and the awesome pressed fairy stickers that came with it!) but enjoyed the story written in diary-style of how two young girls in the days photography spoofed Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and a myriad of others into believing they had actually,363499633,title,Best-Book-To-Learn-Iphone-Development,index.html pictures of fairies in a photographRowling 16 Oct 2014 Paperback 7,63 9,80 Save 2,17 Add to basket 36%off The Complete History of Middle-Earth Christopher Tolkien 12 Dec 2002 Hardback 137,30 214,99 Save Add to basket The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings Boxed Set JResults (1 - 12) of 12 Sort By Author A-Z Author Z-A Bookseller Rating Highest Price Lowest Price Lowest Total Price Most Recently Listed Relevance (Beta) Title A-Z Title Z-A Year of Publication Ascending Year of Publication Descending Create a Want Tell us what you're looking for once a match is found, we'll inform you by e-mailEach person that reads it will have a different way of looking at it as to whether this is horribly offensive or notIt's meant to be a bit twistedJan 11, 2011 Jess rated it it was amazing My Nana once showed me this book when i was little and the faeries looked so realistic it made mebelieve they were a real collection of pressed faeriesBibliographic informationTitleLady Cottington's Pressed Fairy BookAuthorTerry Jonesauthor of text accompanying photosTerry JonesEditionillustratedPublisherSterling Publishing Company Incorporated, 2004ISBN1402720335, 9781402720338Length64 pagesSubjectsHumor:Form:ParodiesHumor / Form / Parodies  Export CitationBiBTeXEndNoteRefManRowling Roald Dahl Julia Donaldson Stephen King David Walliams DrIt really happened-a hoax perpetrated by two girls who claimed to have photographed actual "fairies"; among the people caught up in popular hysteria were Arthur Conan Doyle (who fell for it) and Harry Houdini (who did not) e0ec752d1c