Saturday 2 September 2017 photo 5/25
Autokey-gtk example: >> << (download)
Autokey: Make Your Own Keyboard sudo apt-get install autokey-gtk: For You will see on the left pane two folders named My Phrases and Sample
2. Getting Started. is used in this particular example, although GTK is built on top of glib so you will always require this library. See the section on
For example Google Chrome has default key mappings to go to the next tab by <ctrl-tab> and to the has an overlay that has autokey-gtk package,
autokey-py3 by autokey-py3 troxor/autokey sudo apt update sudo apt install autokey-gtk. Arch Linux Examples of AutoKey scripts can be found by searching
I have a desktop PC and a laptop both running Lubuntu 14.04, and autokey-gtk 0.90.4 . They used to be identical, the laptop OS being a clone of the OS.
I believe wmctrl is what you're looking for. An example using gedit and a script to get the window id: gedit --new-window & sleep 1 get_window_id gedit wmctrl -i -r
For example if I press Alt+L in any input form it works like if I pasted loremipsum. Bind strings to hotkey. You can use autokey-gtk.
I want to quick paste some different strings using hotkeys. For example if I press Alt+L in any input form it works like if I pasted loremipsum. Or it may be some
On Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 10:49:14 AM UTC+1, Joe wrote:Still didn't get to review the dbus stuff, but here are my thoughts so far: Further musings:
I'm using Autokey-gtk py3, For example, I use it to print Yeas it does indeed. And I think that in analogy you can say this of CafeTran:
How can I move application windows using Autokey?"& pidgin& konsole --noclose -e & autokey-gtk& gedit An example using gedit and a script
How can I move application windows using Autokey?"& pidgin& konsole --noclose -e & autokey-gtk& gedit An example using gedit and a script
Is it possible to run an AutoKey script with input parameters? just contains the string "/usr/local/bin/autokey-gtk", Here's some sample code:
Vala GTK+ Examples. All GTK+ classes are inside the Gtk namespace. In this example a spin button and a horizontal scale will get interlocked.
Storing Okular PDF annotations and metadata in the PDF itself. Example: I tried underlining you will need to install autokey-gtk and xdotool first: