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Blue Thunder Full Movie Hindi Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qybp5
Frank Murphy, of the Los Angeles Metropolitan Police's helicopter division (ASTRO), and newcomer Richard Lymangood on his first patrol, help take down the perpetrators of what appears to be a robbery and attempted rape of a city councilwoman. They are little aware of the much larger and more sinister plot behind the attack, much less that they will soon find themselves right in the middle of it. Murphy (Roy Scheider) and Lymangood (Daniel Stern) then learn that they have been selected to test a new, state-of-the-art, high-performance helicopter with cutting-edge surveillance capabilities--Blue Thunder. Disconcertingly, unlike other police aircraft, Blue Thunder is also equipped with powerful weaponry. When Murphy is introduced to the lead pilot for the program he finds that it is an old nemesis from his tours in Vietnam, Col. Cochrane (Malcolm McDowell), who is none too pleased to learn who has been selected for the test. Soon Murphy and Lymangood, via the helicopter's information system, discover disquieting hints that there may be much bigger and less honorable plans for the 'copter than they've been told, leading them to defy orders and seek more information on their own. It is now up to them, with the help of Murphy's spirited wife, Kate, to blow the lid off the plot and expose the villainy within.
The cop test pilot for an experimental police helicopter learns the sinister implications of the new vehicle.
One of the things that really caught my attention about this film was the brief blurb at the beginning which stated something to the effect of "All of the surveillance equipment depicted in this film exists and is in use in the United States." Knowing what I do of technology, I am not surprised that those capabilities existed back then. However, I received a powerful demonstration of the stealth technology called "whisper mode" in the film, a couple of years after seeing it. I live near a major U.S. Army firing range, and our local airport hosts a considerable amount of military traffic. At this particular time, I was renting a house about one kilometer from the airport. I went out for a walk late one Sunday night, and, shortly after leaving the house, I heard a noise I could not identify. It was a loud hissing sound, 'which seemed very close at hand, but I could not locate the source, until I looked up. Passing overhead at about 200 meters was a Chinook helicopter, the type with two rotors, and fuselage that looks kind of like a banana. Normally, the rotor noise on these cargo helicopters will rattle windows, but this baby was tip-toeing out of town very quietly. If I had been indoors, I never would have heard it. This made me completely rethink the sequence where the helicopter was hovering right outside of a building, and the people inside couldn't hear it! I took it for artistic license at the time, but the demonstration I witnessed of "whisper mode" made it seem entirely feasible.
This film appealed to me strongly, for several reasons. I am a techno freak, to begin with, and I love anything that flies. Also, the characters in the movie are amazingly human, kooky, (especially the lead characters wife,) and easy to identify with. And the kind of shenanigans the Feds were trying to pull seem all too realistic to me, in light of some of the things that they have been caught doing! And I loved the response of sending a couple of F-15's armed with missiles after the renegade, when he is stooging around in downtown Los Angeles. Missiles are not known for being highly selective when they are of the heat seeking type, and urban areas are rich with thermal signatures which can confuse the tiny brain packed into an air-to-air missile. The filmmakers actually downplayed the havoc that could result from launching such weapons in a downtown area.
I found the film to be an enjoyable, realistic, thought provoking experience, which I would recommend to most people. The hardware is not the star, thanks to the excellent work of Roy Scheider and his supporting cast, and the dialog is tight and realistic. When informed that one of the suspects in a liquor store robbery is wearing a Hawiian shirt and a cowboy hat, Scheider's character says, "What ever happened to being inconspicuous?"
For those on short time I offer this for your amusement. BLUE THUNDER the mega hit about cops, and military industrial corruption set against the backdrop of pre olympics LOS ANGELES is a fine movie. Plus points: good plot, great actors including WARREN OATES, and a believable story and screenplay. I once read a stralog with ainterview in it with DAN O BANNON in which he recounts how him and DON JAKOBY came up with this story. great story in itself. the movie is a cautionary tale about those who want military policing in the united states and our own backyards and a FUTURESHOCK spy society. The film was also a morality tale set to the good guys bad guys genre. The helicopter sequences were well filmed. I think my only problem was stock sound effects. (common in those days ie. sound of weapons fire etc.) As a boy i loved to read on film makers and making of note is the french gazelle doing a loop. At the time of the films release the AH 64 was in testing at aberdeen and could do the same thing. Completely plausible, they should do a remake. I like the air footage and the exchanges between antagonist and protagonist.
The script self-destructs, but the performances — including Daniel Stern as an expendable sidekick — are fun, and John Badham stages some super stunts with the insectile title machine.
On the DVD a chase at the end has been shortend and shows alternative material. The tape offers a car stunt whole the driver escapes a bit boring in the shorter version. a5c7b9f00b
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