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A Book of Common Worship (Classic Reprint)by New York State Conference Of Religion. Committee On Worship[SRNDoRU]->->->-> DOWNLOAD BOOK There are several sorts of religion, not only in different parts of the island, but even in every town. Yet the greater and wiser sort of them worship of these, but adore one eternal, invisible, infinite, and incomprehensible Deity. .. .T hose among them that have not received our religion, do not fright any from it, and use ill that goes over to it. ... He (U topus) judged it not fit to de termine anything rashly, and seemed to doubt whether those different forms of religion might not all come from God, who might inspire men in a different man ner, and be pleased with this variety. Though there are many different forms of religion among them, yet all these, how various soever, agree in the main point, which is the worshipping the Divine Essence ;and therefore there is nothing to be seen or heard in their temples in which the several persuasions among them may not agree ;for every sect performs those rites that are peculiar to it in their private houses, noris there anything in the public worship that contradicts the particular ways of those different sects. Nor are there any prayers among them but such as every one of them may use without prejudice to his own opinion. .. .B oth priests and people offer up very solemn prayers to God in a set form of words ;and these are so composed, that whatsoever is pronounced by the whole assembly may be likewise applied by every man in particular to his own con dition. Utopia :S ir Thomas More.
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A Book of Common Worship (Classic Reprint) New York State Conference Of Religion. Committee On Worship