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The New Adventures Of He-Man Dubbed Hindi Movie Free Download Torrent
He-Man is the legendary "Most Powerful in the Universe" and the mighty warrior of the planet Eternia and defender of the mysterious Castle Greyskull. With his special powers and with his weapon, The Sword of Greyskull, He-Man fought the evil Skeletor who bid to rule Eternia and discover the secrets of Greyskull. He-Man has been summoned to the planet "Primus", a world under threat from a band of evil mutants from the nearby planet "Denebria". But Skeletor has joined forces with the mutants in his goal of universal conquest. With help from his new companions: The Galactic Guardians, a loyal squadron of soldiers led by Captain Hydron and Lt. Flipshot, Teenage girl Drissi and her brother Caz and Darius, head of the galactic council. He-Man sets out to defend Primus from Skeletor and the mutants.
The second series of He-Man, taking place 10,000 years into the future. To protect the Planet Primus from Floog and Skeletor.
The new adventures of He-man was a better sequel to the original series then She-Ra as it was done not purely for commerce but for television art and certainly the final seal on the He-man legacy compared to the banal 2000 revival when the era of He-man was long over. The series has its good points and its bad points which I will explain along with my final verdict.
The Good
The story lines lines in the original were excellent but told with simplicity and naivety this series avoids that dual approach and makes the story lines more complicated within the same theme without being wooden. The character of Adam is mature and one that is realistic as a young prince rather then a young imbecile and is better represented in appearance though the long hair from the original is better both for the prince and his alter ego He-man. The original allies of He-man are also better represented both as animation and as characters. The annoying pet Tiger from the series is gone reinforcing these strengths and He-man has more abilities with his sword as well as his original strengths of speed and strength.
The Bad
Unlike He-man and his alter ego Skeletor in the original series was better both as a character and the way he was represented especially his mannerisms, appearance and voice this Skeletor has no charm this goes beyond Skeletor to his new followers as his minions in the original all had the charm and attraction he had. The adventures are all set in space and in the future not in different parts of the galaxies were He-man always travelled allowing for different adventures. The animation but not representation is better when done in Manga opposed to the hastened and rough original in Filmation but was done with anime making it more like Star Wars rather then He-man the Japanese style of animation in Thundercats would of been better the transformation scenes are less dramatic and this looses the charm from the original series.
In short a noble series and one that makes up for the weaknesses of the original and its excess sequels but however lacks its charm.
As far as sequels go, this show takes the sword and sorcery of the original, and tacks on an uninspired time travel pilot. But if you disregard the initial episode, the show itself is a bonafide jewel.
This is "The New Adventures of He-Man", and as the title implies, the adventures are new. Both He-Man and Skeletor gain new allies, new powers, and newly found depth to their characters. Skeletor in particular is no longer just a bumbling goon, but he has not turned into the sinister live action movie version of the character. He still has a wry sense of humor and a surprising amount of humility as he is no longer the true alpha dog, but his villainous works are just as heinous as a "real" villain's.
Which brings me to the mutants. Early into the show it's readily apparent that like Skeletor's last minions, they do have a penchant for mistakes, but are a much stronger and fearsome group. Instead of being just a mish mash of villains, they're a well oiled fighting machine strengthened by years of war. Flogg in particular is far from the brightest tool in the shed, but he's as sincere as can be, and you can see it in him, that if he was just a little bit better at his job, perhaps even Eternia would need to fear him.
He-Man as well gets an overhaul, with a much heavier focus on "the way of the magic." His power sword has taken on She-Ra like transformation powers and can not only defend and reflect enemy weapons, but can also be used as a "gun" itself. This part did bother me, as it just feels tacked on, as though the creators wanted him to be so good, that guns were out of the picture. Yet the more useful (this time) Adam ends up with some gun-play...
As solid as the villains are, the Galactic Guardians really seem to be more akin to the bad guys of the old series. There's very few introductions and more often than not their victories feel more like lucky breaks than true skill. While the mutant's mistakes are essentially luck for the Guardians, if really feels like I said. If Flogg was just one iota more competent or maybe if Skeletor truly fell into the line of command as a cooperative underling, the people of Primus would be in grave danger.
Plotwise, the (generally) five episode story arcs are superb, with the earliest one having shades of Vietnam and even aspects similar to WW2. The stand alone episodes range from well done (especially the episodes around the scientists) to terrible (a galactic rodeo anyone?) But all of them serve at least some purpose.
Animation is at times a bit "jerky" but the fight scenes are much closer to Japanese anime than traditional American animation. Overall, the lips sync with the voices well, and at in many cases the show has a very clean feel to it. The backgrounds also range from unique to downright boring, but largely lean towards unique.
Sound is another high point. Ouside of a few goofy music clips, the music itself is good enough at time to drive anyone with a taste for electronica wild. Voices, like all cartoons, range from annoying to pleasing, but all seem to fit the characters.
In summation, at the least The New Adventures of He-Man is a must see for fans but could also be enjoyed by people new to the franchise.
He-Man/Prince Adam leaves Eternia and travels through time to the future to the peaceful planet Primus. To aid the human inhabitants of that world, that are under threat by evil mutants led by Flogg, which Skeletor, whom has also travelled through time to the future, has joined forces with, so he can destroy He-Man once and for all. Flipshot and Hydron arrive on Eternia in a time vessel. Skeletor's henchmen capture Flipshot and Hydron. But, Skeletor pretends to be the chosen one they are looking for and orders their release. He-Man turns up and fights Skeletor. Confused and unsure which is good and which is evil. Flipshot and Hydron bring both He-Man and Skeletor back to Primus in the future. Yes. Battle Beyond the Stars is about a farmboy who leaves his peaceful planet, as he is sent by the planet's elderly ruler to find mercenaries and warriors to help defend his world from an armada of evil invaders. Master Sebrian, the wise man on Primus, sends Flipshot and Hydron to Eternia in the past, to find a great warrior to aid the peaceful world of Primus and deal with Flogg and his mutants that threatens their world. That great warrior is He-Man/Prince Adam. No. There is no mention of She-Ra/Adora in the cartoon and she does not appear. To update the mythology of He-Man by taking him away from his barbaric origins. Science had been a recurring theme in the Filmation series "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe" No. Garry Chalk modelled He-Man's voice after Dolph Lundgren, who played He-Man in the 1987 film Masters of the Universe and Campbell Lane modelled Skeletor's voice after Jack Nicholson. Yes. Skeletor was modeled after Tim Curry. King Randor and Queen Marlena appear in 1 episode. The Sorceress also appears and Teela later appears, as she is sent to Primus in the future to help He-Man. 646f9e108c