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Molecular biology and evolution author guidelines journal of clinical nursing: >> << (Download)
Molecular biology and evolution author guidelines journal of clinical nursing: >> << (Read Online)
international journal of nursing & care
journal of clinical and diagnostic research impact factor
journal of nursing and care impact factor
international journal of nursing care impact factor
Comparative Clinical Pathology (previously Comparative Haematology International) provides a source for the publication of reviews, research reports, states, molecular biology, immunophenotyping, bone marrow transplantation, enzymology, endocrinology, cytokines, haematopoietic growth factors, evolutionary
Journal of Phylogenetics & Evolutionary Biology (JPGEB) provides the quarterly publication of articles in areas related to Molecular evolution, Phylogenetic Analysis, Evolutionary ecology, Molecular Phylogenetics, Phylogenetic Analysis tools and methods. JPGEB welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the
Authors of articles published in Wiley journals are permitted to self-archive the submitted (preprint) version of the article at any time, and may self-archive the accepted (peer-reviewed) version after an embargo period.
Instructions for authors. BioMed Central's online submission system makes the process of publishing research in BioMed Central's journals simple and efficient. To help, there is a quick instructions guide outlining the key aspects of the online submission process, including tips and advice, plus links out to additional pages
A data article describes a dataset, giving details of its collection, processing, file formats etc., but does not go into detail of any scientific analysis of the dataset or draw conclusions from it. It allows the reader to understand the when, why and how the data was collected, and what the data is. This journal has an Impact Factor
Journal of Clinical Diagnosis & Research has clear way to subimission for authors.
of Physics Style Guide; Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health; AJHP - American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy; AJKD - American Journal of Kidney Diseases Algological Studies; Algorithms; Algorithms for Molecular Biology; Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics; Allergy - European Journal of Allergy and Clinical
Ain Shams Engineering Journal .362. Air, Soil and Water Research .163. Aktualnosci Neurologiczne .1. Al- Qantara .139. Alea .133. Alexandria Engineering Journal .23. Algorithms .26. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 1.674. Allergology International. Allergy, Asthma, and Clinical Immunology (Online) .563. Allergy, Asthma
Dimitrios Theofanidis. Nursing Department, Alexandreio Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece. Corresponding Author : Dimitrios Theofanidis Clinical Professor, Nursing Department Alexandreio Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 6945227796. E-mail:
Authors are instructed to meet the criteria for authorship as outlined in the instructions for authors of Journal of Nursing & Care. Clinical Images are nothing but photographic depictions of Nursing & Health Care and it should not exceed more than 5 figures with a description, not exceeding 300 words. Generally no