Saturday 13 June 2009 photo 1/1
for my lil evve
en pic of my arm
and the blood is under the skin not on top :S
Comment the photo
Sun 21 Jun 2009 05:40
Hej, Det här är Biblioteket. Vi vill upplysa dig om att lånetiden gått ut för boken "Att leva med liten snopp". Vi vill också informera att din reservation på "Sex med colaburkar" har kommit in!
Sun 14 Jun 2009 16:59
cut myself :( emo life 4 eva<br />
nej men i had to have a blood test and the blood test fucked up
nej men i had to have a blood test and the blood test fucked up
Sat 13 Jun 2009 17:09
ah fyfan you cant do that, so scary!!!!!!!!! cause you have like given blood right? (A)(A)(A) hahaha thats so creepy i would never have the gutts and i think im to small to do it to or something :S well your brave anna and its for a good reason
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