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Ground guide army: >> << (Download)
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forklift ground guide hand signals
tc 21-305-20
ground guiding accidents
army fm 21-60
fm 21-60-2 arm and hand signals
fm 21-60 powerpoint
marine corps ground guide procedures
fm 21-306
28 Jun 2012 Moving large pieces of equipment in tight spaces requires a properly trained and positioned ground guide. However, it only takes a split second to lose sight of your ground guide, or for him or her to make a wrong move that could result in major damage to a piece of equipment or, even worse, a fatal injury.
AR 385-55, FM 21-305, and FM 21-306 provide guidance on the use of ground guides and ground-guiding procedures. In addition, use the procedures below to manage the risks associated with ground-guiding operations. • All drivers and other unit personnel will be trained to standard in the correct use of ground guides
GROUND GUIDE PROCEDURES. Ground Guide. Ground Guide. Procedures. 3. GROUND GUIDE PROCEDURES. Ground Guide. GROUND GUIDE SAFETY PROCEDURES. Ground guides must be trained in standard arm and hand. signals and flashlight signals before guiding a wheeled vehicle. Arm and hand signals
23 Dec 1993 STP 55-88M14-SM-TG. Soldier's Manual and Trainer's Guide. 88M, Motor Transport Operator. Skill Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4. OCTOBER 2004. DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. HEADQUARTERS. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY
Efficient vehicle operations and safety of personnel depends, on clear, accurate and secured communication among ground Soldiers, and through the use of arm-and-hand signals messages may be transmitted. Ground guiding procedures must be included in an organization's training and used to ensure the personnel
load distribution, the driver should be present during the loading of cargo. . Whenever vehicles are being positioned, particularly when backing, ground guides must be used to prevent vehicle damage and personnel injury. . Because of their design, most Army tactical vehicles are required by regulation to travel at a speed
Hand and arm signal are the basic method used for ground guiding. Drivers and ground guides will coordinates signals before ground guide operations. At no time will a ground guide run or walk backwards while guiding a vehicle. The ground guide should keep 10 yards between themselves and the vehicle front or rear
23 Apr 2009
1 Mar 2009 However, becoming aware of the Army's ground guiding policies and procedures, accidents can be avoided. According to Army Regulations 385-55, Prevention of Motor Vehicle Accidents, a driver must always check for clearance and give warning (such as by honking twice) when backing up a vehicle.