Wednesday 30 December 2009 photo 1/1
Få se, vad ska jag skriva? Jag tycker att det här kan bli ett fint inlägg. Kanske lite lösryckta sångtextrader... Eller kanske lite poesi. Och internskämt såklart. Så ni vet vad ni har att förvänta er.
'Era själar är inga burar, de är trädgårdar. Och sådana kräver skötsel.'
'in an arrested silence, we plead to our insane gods,
and their voices in our heads,
like the silence in the woods, to stop appeasing man
and his cruel culture of gobal economic domination.
the balance remains between
what which is sought by the few, PROFIT,
and that which is sought by the most, PEACE.
staring through funnels
of our contemporary state of political affairs,
it's disparaging and demotivating to see
an isolated conumption addicted society
not realize the potency of its silence
to its well self-quarded astablishments.
people, it's your dollars that pay for the bombs
that are killing our chances for survival in the years to maybe not come.'
Hej jag heter Avlong Huppleöölö Avlongsson.
Haettenschweiler, Abele, Huppleöölö... Vad kommer härnäst?
'I would like to meet a true writer, who considers himself one who writes.
Or a true musician, who considers himself one who plays music.
Or a true hero, who considers his heroism as natural acts.
For the definition of the functions tied to people's necks
choke the true essence of the identity.'
Charlie, Kaye
'himlen sköt honom med regnet som vapen'
'Certainty of death, small chance of success. What are we waiting for?'
'Jag ska lägga en förbanning över dig!'
'Man behöver inte fortsätta om man inte vill.
- vad säger din fru om den filosofin?'
Jag känner hur min livsgnista långsamt börjar ebba ut.
När jag blir stor ska jag byta efternamn till Sardin och skapa en bilfirma som heter Sardins bilar där man gör bilar som ser ut som sardiner. Eller sardinburkar.
Nu när vi placerat våra fötter på denna granna jordyta, har inte tystnaden från den kalla och tomma rymden försvunnit. Nej, den är kvar som en hinna mellan oss. Man kan nästan röra vid den... Kanske till och med påstå att den har en volym. Vi är inte i rymden mer, älskling. Tala med mig.
'You criticise my actions, but I can't see you standing in my shoes.'
'Love is strong, hearing as loud as gunfire away. Never wrong, constantly dreaming of another way. If love is wrong, then go ahead and end the world with your charades. Never wrong, constantly dreaming of another way.'
and their voices in our heads,
like the silence in the woods, to stop appeasing man
and his cruel culture of gobal economic domination.
the balance remains between
what which is sought by the few, PROFIT,
and that which is sought by the most, PEACE.
staring through funnels
of our contemporary state of political affairs,
it's disparaging and demotivating to see
an isolated conumption addicted society
not realize the potency of its silence
to its well self-quarded astablishments.
people, it's your dollars that pay for the bombs
that are killing our chances for survival in the years to maybe not come.'
Or a true musician, who considers himself one who plays music.