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Google is a big proponent of HTML5, especially for video and rich graphics in the browser. To show off what HTML5 can do, Google Chrome teamed up with the Arcade Fire and director Chris Milk to create a custom interactive video for their song, “We Used To Wait." The experience is called The. “The Wilderness Downtown" is set to Arcade Fire's new song “We Used to Wait", and showcases many of the latest developments on the web. It features a mash-up of Google Maps and Google Street View with HTML5 canvas, HTML5 audio and video, an interactive drawing tool, and choreographed. Watch out MTV, the music video has just got a new gold standard. Indie band Arcade Fire has released a vid for the song "We Used to Wait" off of their new album, The Suburbs, and it's basically one big ball of HTML5/Google Maps/musical goodness. The video was announced today on the Official Google. An interactive HTML5 short created with data and images related to your own childhood. Set to Arcade Fire's song "We Used to Wait," the experience takes place through choreographed browser windows and utilizes many modern browser features. A collaborative effort between Google Creative Lab and Chris Milk. An interactive music video for "Reflektor" by Arcade Fire. Directed by Vincent Morisset. Created for Google Chrome. We don't know exactly what to call the online collaboration between Arcade Fire and Google that launched Monday morning, but it sure is neat. This “Chrome Experience," as Google calls it, unfolds in multiple browser windows to the tune of Arcade Fire's “We Used To Wait," incorporating a viewer's. Join Steve Heffernan for an in-depth discussion in this video, The Wilderness Downtown by Google and Arcade Fire, part of HTML5: Video and Audio. By Justin Houk. Indie rock band Arcade Fire used HTML5 and the Google Maps API in its latest video to transport us to the neighborhood we grew up in. Director Chris Milk worked with the Google Chrome team to blend music, art, and place into an interactive experience called The Wilderness Downtown. 5 min - Uploaded by michaelpraetoriusEin großartiges Video-Projekt zeigt, was mit HTML5 alles möglich ist. Aus einem live. 5 min - Uploaded by Michał PiszczekMusic: Arcade Fire, We Used To Wait.. the only thing that sucks is that unless you grew up in. 16 sec - Uploaded by Google ChromeWatch it at We're excited to launch a musical. Arcade Fire's new interactive video experience, The Wilderness Downtown, pairs HTML5 with Google Chrome via Chrome Experiments. At first, it might look like a bad memory from a late-90s porn misclick—a flurry of browser windows filling your screen. But a new collaboration between Google and Arcade Fire is looking to the future, showcasing HTML5's power. The Wilderness Downtown, a new creative and technical venture by way of Google, Arcade Fire and Chris Milk, is an impressive leap in music video production. Internet savvy alt-rock band Arcade Fire just released the first HTML5-powered music video for its most recent single, "We Used to Wait." With the help of Google Web developers, who used HTML5 optimized for Google Chrome, the rock outfit created an interactive video that incorporates visual data of your. Arcade Fire's 'The Wilderness Downtown' is more than just a music video – it is an interactive experience that takes music and integrates elements from your personal life, interactivity and a choreographed HTML5 wow-fest. When you arrive at The Wilderness Downtown website (only from Google Chrome),. One of my favourite bands, The Arcade Fire, have teamed up with Google Chrome to create a truly amazing interactive video for their song "We Used To Wait". The video has been created with emerging HTML5 technology combined with Google maps and probably some other cutting edge stuff. Check it. It keeps crashing on me, but I've had enough of a blast to be inspired - it's the heavenly Arcade Fire video built in collaboration with Google and director Chris Milk. By Jemima Kiss. Google and Arcade Fire got together to show off what Google Chrome could do with all the new gee whiz technology out there, and if you listen to all the major tech media outlets, it's an awesome demonstration of the capabilities of HTML5. Except it's not HTML5, at least not the main pages that drive the site. The Wilderness Downtown is an experimental, interactive film made by Chris Milk,…the Google Chrome team, and the Arcade Fire.…The video that's playing is using HTML5 video.…The interaction between the windows is being queued using HTML5 audio and the…flocks of birds and other graphics elements are using a. Google worked with the band Arcade Fire to create an HTML5 "musical experience" called The Wilderness Downtown. O Google e o Arcade Fire chamam de “filme interativo feito em HTML5", mas eu não tenho certeza se só isso explica esse experimento intitulado “The Wilderness Downtown". Você coloca o endereço onde cresceu – eu escolhi um lugar qualquer em Nova York, pois ruas brasileiras o site diz que não tem. On August 30, rock band Arcade Fire, together with Google and artist Chris Milk, launched an interactive video set to the band's track "We Used to Wait." Called "The. "The Wilderness Downtown" is optimized for Google Chrome and should also run on any browser that supports HTML5. "We Used to Wait". The Arcade Fire Duets With Google For Cannes Grand Prix Winner “The Wilderness Downtown". Hot new code. For Google, this was a showcase for how well interactive, personalized, multi-window mini-movies can work if written for its HTML5-enabled browser, Chrome. Unlike previous HTML5 demos. "The Wilderness Downtown" is an interactive multimedia video coded in HTML5 and was published to show off the capabilities of the new Google Chrome browser. Directed by music video director Chris Milk and involving the work of a number of Google employees led by Aaron Koblin as well as digital production company. The Arcade Fire's new album release has been accompanied by relatively new uses of web video; today, thanks to some help from Google's Chrome, the. to some help from Google Chrome, (s goog) the new track We Used to Wait gets an all-HTML5 “musical experience made specifically for the browser. Google has announced a musical project with band Arcade Fire and music video director Chris Milk called 'The Wilderness Downtown' which is aimed to show the power of HTML5. Google showcases HTML5 with awesome Arcade Fire promo. by Martin Bryant — Aug 30, 2010 in Google. Google showcases HTML5 with awesome Arcade Fire promo. 18. 11. shares. We Used To Wait is the new track from Arcade Fire. The video to this track is something of a first, a video built in collaboration with Google and director Chris Milk, which showcases some of the possibilities of HTML5, whilst bringing in elements of Google Street View and Maps to make the video personal to. Chris Milk's The Wilderness Downtown is an interactive music video for the Arcade Fire's “We Used to Wait." Built for Google Chrome, using HTML5, Milk tests the technical possibilities of the software while creating an interactive and highly nostalgic narrative personalized to each user. When a web visitor arrives at The. Here, Apple, let Google show you how it's done: they've just unveiled an incredible multimedia showcase demonstrating the potential of HTML5 by teaming up with popular geek band Arcade Fire and filmmaker Chris Milk. The result is astonishing: an interactive video that spans multiple windows. Called. Working with integrated production shop B-Reel, director Chris Milk and Google Creative Lab Technology Lead Aaron Koblin teamed up once again on a music-inspired digital experience, The Wilderness Downtown, an HTML5 interactive music video/Google Chrome Experiment that makes use of the. "The Wilderness Downtown" Arcade Fire and Google's HTML5 showoff. Created by Rallier on March 15, 2012, 6:25 p.m.. CrippleCaptain 7 years ago. it combines all of my loves, chrome, arcade fire and my home town. awesome. Tested. Videos · Podcast · Forums · About · Contact Support. Most Popular. Episode 435 - The. Today we're excited to launch a musical experience made specifically for the browser. Called “The Wilderness Downtown", the project was created by writer/director Chris Milk with the band Arcade Fire and Google. Building this project on the web and for the browser allowed us to craft an experience that is. Here's the official line on what it is: “The Wilderness Downtown" is an interactive interpretation of Arcade Fire's song 'We Used To Wait' and was built entirely with the latest open web technologies, including HTML5 video, audio, and canvas." So what does that mean? Basically, it's a website. On the site is. La fantástica banda canadiense Arcade Fire ya anduvo colaborando en Google recientemente, en forma de concierto transmitido por YouTube. Ahora se han juntado para lanzar un video interactivo de "We used to wait", una de las canciones de su nuevo disco, junto con el director Chris Milk, hecho en. Arcade Fire and Google created an interactive music video experience.. Arcade Fire has teamed up with Google Chrome to release an interactive experience in the form of "Just a Reflektor", where the viewer can use their mobile. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video. Like early experiments with Adobe Flash in the late '90s, the Google Chrome team and artist Chris Milk explore the current possibilities and boundaries of HTML5. The Wilderness Downtown is an interactive interpretation of Arcade Fire's song “We Used To Wait" and was built using the latest open web. Google have launched a breathtaking example of the capabilities of HTML 5, using Arcade Fire's “We Used To Wait" song and music-video director Chris Milk's film. Google has been working on the project for the last few months to demonstrate modern web technologies. “The Wilderness Downtown". Google and band Arcade Fire have created a personalised music video using HTML5 and Google Maps. The Wilderness Downtown is designed to show off Arcade Fire's new song 'We Used To Wait' from the album released this month, while also using the latest technologies in browsers, promoting. Arcade Fire's new HTML5 video uses Google maps and satellite images to personalize the experience... Google Chrome has been my default web browser for some time now and this digital campaign by Milk+Koblin, showcases Chrome's ability to run HTML5. The campaign is an interactive video directed by Chris Milk, and shows off some of the new features this web hypertext standard can provide such as. The band Arcade Fire teamed up with Google to make an interactive video that features satellite photos and Street View shots from an area. The project relies on the feature-rich HTML5, the latest version of the Web's standard markup language which Google has been touting in conjunction with its. See what HTML5 can do in a new collaborative piece from director Chris Milk, Google and Arcade Fire. There's a weird rush of conflicted nostalgia that most of us feel when we look up our childhood homes on Google Street View, and Arcade Fire's new video for "We Used to Wait" turns that feeling into a pretty powerful emotional experience. "Video" is probably actually the wrong term here. Arcade Fire. Här är en rätt så cool musikvideo i HTML5 som Google tillsammans med regissören Chris Milk har tagit fram till det kanadensiska bandet Arcade Fire. Det är i grund och botten ett experiment till Googles webbläsare Chrome och förutom att använda HTM... 18 secAn interactive film by Chris Milk Featuring "We Used to Wait" Built in HTML5 www. Just press play on Arcade Fire's new web music video, "The Wilderness Downtown," and you'll know that you're seeing a glimpse of the future of entertainment. Utilizing cutting-edge internet technology, the Montreal-based rock band, along with director Chris Milk and partners at Google, have created an. Alongside Arcade Fire song "We Used To Wait," lots of pop-up windows and videos incorporating real street scenes from Google Street View are among the highlights of this crafty Chrome demo. Pour ceux qui ne saisissent pas ce qu'est le HTML5, et ses applications concrètes, Google a pensé à l'explication par l'exemple ! Par le biais du site Chrome Experiment, vitrine de ce qu'il est possible de faire avec le navigateur et du HTML5 entre autre, Google propose une véritable démonstration avec. Alternative band Arcade Fire has collaborated with Google to make an interactive music video using HTML5 through Google Chrome. Google Chrome Experiments: Arcade Fire's The Wilderness Downtown. Posted October 20, 2010 by. There's been a lot of fanfare over the development of HTML5, which will make it easier to incorporate multimedia features that had previously been dependent on third party plug-ins (like Adobe Flash), among others. Montreal band The Arcade Fire and Google have teamed to create a personalized and interactive music video experience using Google Chrome and HTML5. Now, before continuing there's one thing I feel I should get out of the way: this... Directed by Chris Milk, the project utilizes Google Street View, multiple browser windows and 3D canvas rendering to let the viewer revisit their childhood home and write a note to their "younger selves." Arcade Fire: The Billboard Cover Story. "The Wilderness Downtown" was created using HTML5. The titular Suburbs of Arcade Fire's latest album are purposefully ambiguous in location, but their just-released, interactive, web-based "video" for "We Used. This week, a lot. Today we're excited to announce the band Arcade Fire's new project “The Wilderness Downtown," an interactive HTML5 music experience that is being showcased on Google's Chrome Experiments site. The project was created by writer/director Chris Milk with Arcade Fire and Google. Showing what's possible with HTML5 video, Google has created an arresting online experiment with the band Arcade Fire. More immersive than a standard music video, viewers are pulled into an interactive video that combines music, animation, and clips of their childhood neighborhood. The experiment is. An interactive HTML5 short taking place in the neighborhood you grew up in. Set to Arcade Fire's song “We Used to Wait," the experience uses Google Maps and Street View data to craft an experience specifically for you. A collaborative effort with Google Creative Lab and Chris Milk. HTML 5 is still under development as the next major upgrade to the language that supports the web. Amongst other things the new standard incorporates features. Google e Arcade Fire criam nova experiência musical em HTML5. No lugar de divulgar single com videoclipe, banda opta por criar site que explora as possibilidades da nova técnica. Redação Olhar Digital 30/08/2010 15h46 Google Google Street View Música. O Google e a banda canadense Arcade Fire acabam de criar.