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Kinda new here, but I was wondering how to set the background using xsetbg... xsetbg -onroot -fullscreen /path/to/wallpaper. though if the image is small it doesn't stretch.. from what place can i download xsetbg? (i'm using slackaware 3.4 (linux 2.0.30)) background for the default root window of X in one of the various modes. *. * xsetbg can set the background for the whole virtual screen or for. * individual Xinerama screens. *. * It doesn't clear the background before applying the image. Use. * xsetroot -solid to reset the background to a certain color. * before running. It's possible to have a "slideshow" of many images by specifying the -slideshow option. A wide variety of common image manipulations can be done by mixing and matching the available options. See the section entitled HINTS FOR GOOD IMAGE DISPLAYS for some ideas. Xsetbg is equivalent to xloadimage -onroot -quiet. help: Bad option Usage: xsetbg [global options] {[image options] image_name. Here, I introduce you to a nice nifty tool called xsetbg . It belongs to a package called xloadimage . I find it attractive just because it doesn't have many dependencies. This is how I use xsetbg in my .xsession file to place my lotus wallpaper on the desktop: /usr/bin/xsetbg -center -xzoom 115 -yzoom 128. Here's a link to an online version of the xli man page: xsetbg is equivalent to xli -onroot -quiet. The CLI options for xli/xsetbg are described in the man page. Here is the description of the -background option: -background [color ] Use color as the background color. xsetbg picture.jpg. Command not found. I've used various xset options over the years, but I've never heard of an "xsetbg" command. I tried the man pages for both "xset" and "xsetroot", but nothing there for setting a background image. And some folks need to stop being fanboys and see the forest behind the. The query: xsetbg was not found in the section 1 on the BSDOS system man page set. Please, try again without asking for exact section field - chosing "All Sections" above. Click here to go back to the main page. [top] _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | | | __ | | __ __ | | __ __ | | __ | |/ / | |/ / | |/ / / / / / / / / / / _/ _/ _/. More information. xsetbg(1) xli xsetbg(1) NAME xsetbg SYNOPSIS This executable is part of the package 'xli': X11 Image Loading Utility Documentation for SUSE Linux Enterprise is available online at: and also installed on the system at /usr/share/doc/manual/ Additional documentation for a. RedHat 5.X, Fedora 17, Fedora 17. Xloadimage and Xsetbg. Xloadimage is also an image viewer for X. Xloadimage and its component xsetbg accomplish the same tasks as xli, and the very same commands that xli uses are used in xloadimage (just replace xli with xloadimage in the commands given above). Certo che pero'.... RTFM: :lol: Tra i primi risultati della ricerca su google "xsetbg gentoo". Cmq e' un link a /usr/bin/xloadimage. Quindi il pacchetto e'. You might use xsetbg or wmsetbg or one of those used by > > fbsetbg. > > Okay, I upgraded to 1.2.11. > > It is still displaying debian.jpg without scaling it fit the > desktop environment. Is there something else I have to do. No. icewmbg simply doesn't do any scaling right now. If you check the warnings from your compiler you. See Tweets about #xsetbg on Twitter. See what people are saying and join the conversation. /etc/X11/Xloadimage; /usr/bin/uufilter; /usr/bin/xloadimage; /usr/bin/xsetbg; /usr/bin/xview; /usr/share/doc/xloadimage-4.1/README; /usr/share/doc/xloadimage-4.1/mit.cpyrght; /usr/share/man/man1/uufilter.1x.gz; /usr/share/man/man1/xloadimage.1x.gz; /usr/share/man/man1/xsetbg.1x.gz; /usr/share/man/man1/xview.1x.gz. Have you ever wondered which tool you should use to set the background of your X11 desktop? There are tons of it and every single one does need different command line options. And if you picked one, you could be sure, you'll once come to a machine or operating system, where that one isn't available. When I started to. Stump window manager es como indica su nombre un gestor de ventanas de los más minimalistas que permite dividir las ventanas en paneles tipo tmux, screen o terminator corriendo aplicaciones gráficas. Su consumo inicial de ram ronda los 65 MB. No precisa la instalación de un escritorio y como dicto. Re: xsetbg и изображения в формате png. xsetbg - это же вроде как псевдоним для xli, нет? А непосредственно xli -onroot также показывает в затемненном виде? anonymous ( 15.10.2008 14:38:09 ). Ссылка. Ответ на: Re: xsetbg и изображения в формате png от anonymous 15.10.2008 14:38:. When searching for this i found a lot of howto's that used programs that dont seem to exist anymore or at lest arnt in the etch repo, but finaly i found xsetbg. To run commands when XDM starts edit the /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup file. a line containing. Code: Select all: xsetbg `wallpaper url`. edit `wallpaper url` as. but when i don't have any application open i see an image. To me it sounds like your background image is working... But if you must know, feh --bg-{tile,center,scale,seamless} pic.jpg works, xsetbg pic.jpg works. If you are talking about having transparent frames in your look.lua, you need to set that yourself,. Includes xsetbg, xview and uufilter. xloadimage-dbgsym: debug symbols for package xloadimage. Can view png, jpeg, gif, tiff, niff, sunraster, fbm, cmuraster, pbm, faces, rle, xwd, vff, mcidas, vicar, pcx, gem, macpaint, xpm and xbm files. Can view images, put them on the root window, or dump them. Does a. I just installed Fedora 4 and I'm tinkering with my x settings. I'd like to change the background, but I can't find xsetbg (the command is not in /usr/X11R6/bin, although most of the other familiar x commands are) or any equivalent. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks, Alex. xloadimage 4.1-23+b1 / usr / bin / xsetbg. This file is indexed. /usr/bin/xsetbg is in xloadimage 4.1-23+b1. This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o777. It is a symlink to /usr/bin/xloadimage. APT Browse - Built by Thomas Orozco - Hosting provided by Aptible. Java - X Window Screen Dump Utility (Build 030227). xset.nlm. Java - User Preference Utility for X (Build 030227). xsetbg.nlm. Java - X11 Image Loading Utility (Build 030227). xsetroot.nlm. Java - Root Window Parameter Setting Utility for X (Build 030227). xtaddr.nlm. Novell ZENworks® Address Update Handler. xtlog.nlm. The vulnerability can be seen by executing the following command. electricsheep -window-id `perl -e '{print "A"x"40000";}'` Bad integer argument for the windowid option Usage: xsetbg [global options] {[image options] image_name.} Type `xsetbg -help [option.]' for information on a particular option, or `xsetbg -help' to. I understand that you want to set up a background. I used this command: feh --bg-max . feh is easier to use than xloadimage . The vulnerability can be seen by executing the following command. electricsheep -window-id `perl -e '{print "A"x"40000";}'` Bad integer argument for the windowid option. Usage: xsetbg [global options] {[image options] image_name.} Type `xsetbg -help [option.]' for information on a particular option, or When trying to set a background image and using xcompmgr at the same time, xcompmgr throws lots of errors and doesn't produce correct results (i.e. windows are not drawn correctly etc) $ xsetbg background.jpg $ xcompmgr error 8 request 153 minor 4 serial 1918 error 168 request 153 minor 8 serial. Xsetbg is equivalent to xli -onroot -quiet and xview is equivalent to xli -view -verbose. RESOURCE CLASS xli uses the resource class name _XSETROOT_Id for window managers which -dumpcore Signals will not be trapped, and instead a coredump will occur. -display display_name X11 display name to send the image(s). /usr/X11R6/bin/xloadimage /usr/X11R6/bin/xsetbg /usr/X11R6/bin/xview /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/Xloadimage /usr/X11R6/man/man1/xloadimage.1x.gz /usr/share/doc/xloadimage-4.1 /usr/share/doc/xloadimage-4.1/README. For window managers which don't display background images, like openbox or the debian builds of icewm, xsetbg, part of the xloadimage package, can handle that. If you've been beating yourself up trying to get a parallel printer working, check the BIOS and try "ECP/EPP". Linux is pickier than Windows about parallel port. 269, xsetbg -onroot -fullscreen -fit -fork -border black /usr/share/backgrounds/ warty-final-ubuntu.png. 270, xsetbg -onroot -fullscreen -fit -fork -border black /usr/share/backgrounds/ default. *FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 0, Page 2 1) Exec xsetbg -tile 6_LookClosely_by_sanfranguy.jpg. Module FvwmBacker. In the next example, the command Style defines the style (where and how) of FvwmButtons module with alias Confi (you can have different FvwmButtons running with different alias). x 1 o ad image I: opzioni _globali ] [opzioni_dell 'immagine ] s t ci i n Xloadimage ha due pseudonimi: 'xsetbg' e 'xview'. Il primo equivale a 'xloadimage -onroot -quiet' mentre il secondo equivale a 'xloadimage -view -verbose'. Quando Xloadimage viene utilizzato per visualizzare un gruppo di immagini, è possibile usare. Setting the background. The background image on your screen can be set with the command xsetbg filename. For example, to set your background to an artist's rendering of the new CIS building being built next to Dreese Lab, use xsetbg /usr/local/bitmap/raster/new-building.raster. The images can be found in the directory. Hey guys, I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 and I'm trying to use xloadimage to stretch an image to the size of the screen. From what I've found so far the appropriate command is "xloadimage -fullscreen -onroot imageName" Problem is onroot sends the image to the root window...and in my case, that doesn't display. Opá e ai galera sou iniciante gostaria de uma força estou tentando usar o comando xsetbg mas só consigo configurar o papel de fundo do window maker quando eu baixo os arquivos na vem 5 a 6 arquivos como faço para adicionar o reto sendo q só um funciona com o xsetbg alguem. を実行して下さい。そうすると、実行したユーザーのホームディレクトリに、.bsetbgrcという設定ファイルが作成されます。コメントを除く中身は、. FULL="xsetbg -fillscreen" TILE="xsetbg" CENTER="xsetbg -center" DEFAULT="xsetbg -center". となっています。この、FULL、TILE、CENTER、DEFAULTが、bsetbgのオプションとなるようです。 30. Aug. 2005. xfce4 mit idesk und xsetbg?! HI! Ich hab folgendes Problem... durch googlen bin ich darauf gestoßen, dass xfce4 den xfdesktop startet und dieser keine icons unterstützt. Deshalb hab ich idesk installiert und eingerichtet, nur sobald ich es ausführe erscheint nichts auf dem desktop. abermals googlen hat mir. Let us assume that you have a nice family picture that you want to have as the background of your desktop. Let us further assume this file is called family.jpeg and is stored in your home directory. You then add the following line to your .fvwm2rc file: AddToFunc InitFunction "I" Exec xsetbg -fullscreen $HOME/family.jpeg. Esetroot; wmsetbg; feh; hsetroot; chbg; display; qiv; xv; xsri; xli; xsetbg. The order is best first, worst last. So to make everything work fine, you should install something from the top of the list. Most people on #fluxbox would suggest you to install Feh as it is small and very efficient, but Esetroot (comes with Eterm) is also a good. NAME xloadimage, xsetbg, xview - load images into an X11 window or onto the root window SYNOPSIS xloadimage [global_options] {[image_options] image.} xloadimage [global_options] [image_options] stdin Xloadimage displays images in an X11 window, loads them onto the root window,. ... xsetbg (xli) # FULL="xsetbg -fillscreen" # TILE="xsetbg" # CENTER="xsetbg -center" # DEFAULT="xsetbg -center" I commented the xsri lines out and uncommented the xsetbg lines and edited -fillscreen to -fullscreen and after installing xsetbg ( apt-get install xloadimage ) the bsetbg command worked. the. xloadimage 4.1-23+b1 / usr / share / man / man1 / xsetbg.1x.gz. This file is indexed. /usr/share/man/man1/xsetbg.1x.gz is in xloadimage 4.1-23+b1. This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o777. It is a symlink to /usr/share/man/man1/xloadimage.1x.gz. APT Browse - Built by Thomas Orozco - Hosting provided by Aptible. xli and xloadimage both installs bin/xsetbg mark them as CONFLICTS_INSTALL mark x11-themes/sapphire-themes as BROKEN because it depends on both xli and xloadimage Reported by: pointyhat(pkgng exp-run) Feature safe: yes. 25 Nov 2011 16:54:39. Original commit · files touched by this commit 4.1.16_9 Пытаюсь поменять обои рабочего стола с помощью xsetbg. Первый раз с дефолтной картинки (просто синий экран) получилось, а вот больше не хочет. xsetbg -verbose /home/akbara/photo/jek/dsc_0541.jpg /home/akbara/photo/jek/dsc_0541.jpg is a 3039x2014 JPEG image, color space YCbCr,. Error in other languages: xsetbg: bevel nie gevind nie xsetbg: comandă negăsită xsetbg: comando não encontrado xsetbg: commande introuvable xsetbg: command not found xsetbg: käsku ei ole xsetbg: không tìm thấy lệnh xsetbg: komanda nerasta xsetbg: Kommando nicht gefunden. xsetbg: kommandot finns inte xsetbg:. 29. Aug. 2013. Hallo, ich habe anhand dieser[1] Anleitung angefangen eine Oberfläche für meinen HTPC zu bauen. Allerdings bin ich dabei auf eine kleine Unstimmigkeit in meiner Konfiguration gestossen in meiner /home/user/.xinitrc steht aktuell folgendes. Code: Alles auswählen xsetbg -center /path/to/image.jpg exec. Cetanhota, have you tried with xsetbg? Something like: xsetbg -center -onroot /path/to/picture. These days, using that program helped me a lot with blackbox... I don't know, perhaps can work for you too. Linkage. Cetanhota. Wise, Aged Ars Veteran. Registered: Jun 2, 2002. Posts: 103. Posted: Thu Jul 04,. This year I love “ocelot", … my first tiling window manger bundle (early work). · #cc0 #ilovefs · #monsterwm #catwm #dzen2 #dmenu #xsetbg #i3lock #tiling #tilingwm #xautolock #urxvt #lampe #tmd #ocelot · poinck/ocelot. ocelot - minimal tiling window manager. 1 Like. I recently installed Mandrake 8.0 and it is missing a feature I liked in 7.0. Namely, the Symmetrical Mirrored wallpaper background mode, on KDE. So, I figured I just use xv to set my background image. This appears to work at first, but, when you move or close a window, KDE overwrites the xroot image with it's own. Many image viewing programs can load a color image in popular bitmap formats to the root window, for example the xsetbg utility from Xloadimage or the display utility from ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick. xsetbg /path/to/image.png display -window root /path/to/image.png gm display -window root. ... /usr/local/pxflx/art/MCEscher/DoublePlanetoid1.gif &" "Hands" f.exec "xsetbg -grey -clip 34,8,555,467 -zoom 185 -fillscreen /usr/local/pxflx/art/MCEscher/Hands.gif &" "O and C" f.exec "xsetbg -grey /usr/local/pxflx/art/MCEscher/OandC.gif &" "Relativity" f.exec "xsetbg -grey -fillscreen /usr/local/pxflx/art/MCEscher/Relativity.gif. I got around this problem now by doing it in two steps - flattening the image first with convert and then setting a wallpaper with xsetbg (from xloadimage suite) which can set the background around the image correctly. The irony is that imagemagick works with transparent PNGs but can't update the root. ... "it is suggested that you use qiv, xli (xsetbg), or xv." echo "you can obtain them at the following locations:" echo echo " qiv:" echo " xli:" echo " xv:" echo echo "the above URLs are current as of 05/23/2000. rootCommand: xsetbg /home/bgnd/forest.jpg. Though old xsetbg (part of xli) is simple and works as above. See CD or ports: /usr/ports/graphics/xli also: rootCommand: wmsetbg /data/photos/gal2/p3.jpg. And: (if one must use a program to call a program)! rootCommand: bsetbg /data/photos/gal2/p3.jpg bsetbg will work with. Comment 6 Georges Eckenschwiller 2011-04-12 15:47:22 CEST. Hello, I just downloaded the package xli of Mandriva. I installed it without problems (rpm -ivh). I added the line /usr/bin/xsetbg -onroot /usr/share/mga/backgrounds/default.jpg in Xsetup_0 file I rebooted with kdm/xfce4: OK, with the wallpaper. Uses rox to change the background? How about one that uses xli,xsri,xsetroot,Xloadimage or Xsetbg? Very Happy Good Stuff Smile. harii4 wrote: Uses rox to change the background? How about one that uses xli,xsri,xsetroot,Xloadimage or Xsetbg? Very Happy Good Stuff Smile.