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The Expressive Powers of Law: Theories and Limits
by Richard H. McAdams
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Why do people obey the law? Law deters crime by specifying sanctions, and because people internalize its authority. But Richard McAdams says law also generates compliance through its expressive power to coordinate behavior (traffic laws) and inform beliefs (smoking bans)—that is, simply by what it says rather than what it sanctions.
The Expressive Powers of Law: Theories and Limits Richard H. McAdams
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On The Economist’s podcast, Ellen Fitzpatrick, author of The Highest Glass Ceiling: Women’s Quest for the American Presidency, described some of the challenges that have faced past female contenders for U.SBut McAdams, a professor at the University of Chicago Law School who has written about this topic for more than a decade, says that's not the whole storyJack Hamilton, author of the forthcoming Just around Midnight: Rock and Roll and the Racial Imagination, argued at Slate that Prince may have been the greatest guitarist since Jimi HendrixOn KPFA (Pacifica Radio)’s Letters and Politics, Ellen Fitzpatrick, author of The Highest Glass Ceiling: Women’s Quest for the American Presidency, related the tale of Victoria Woodhull, the first woman to run for president in 1872—a free love advocate who spent election night in jailPreview this book Viet Thanh Nguyen, author of Nothing Ever Dies: Vietnam and the Memory of War, spoke with KQED’s Michael Krasny about how his writing, in both his memoir and his novel The Sympathizer, reflects his own experiences of marginalization and resistanceBranko Milanovic talked to Forbes about Global Inequality: A New Approach for the Age of Globalization and how China, India, and the super-rich are shaping inequalityRobert AEllen Fitzpatrick, author of The Highest Glass Ceiling: Women’s Quest for the American Presidency, talked with KUER (Utah)’s RadioWest about how Victoria Woodhull, Margaret Chase Smith, and Shirley Chisholm paved the way for Hillary ClintonMcAdams thinks that too many people play fast and loose with claims of laws expressive valueEconomists have often credited deterrence (saying that legal sanctions influence behavior) and sociologists often point to legitimacy (the idea that people obey the law because they see it as a legitimate authority)Iris Bohnet, author of What Works: Gender Equality by Design, spoke with the Financial Times business editor about unconscious gender biasIn Boston Review, Walter Johnson, author of the award-winning Soul by Soul: Life Inside the Antebellum Slave Market and River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Empire in the Cotton Kingdom, called for a serious reconsideration of the popular—and, he argues, intellectually harmful—trope that enslaved people were “dehumanized." Religion News Service reported on Harvey Cox’s audience with Pope Francis, whose views on capitalism inspired him during the writing of The Market as GodThe Expressive Powers of Law contributes to our understanding of the mechanisms by which law—simply by what it says rather than what it sanctions—generates complianceJulian Gewirtz talked with the Wall Street Journal blog China Real Time about Unlikely Partners: Chinese Reformers, Western Economists, and the Making of Global ChinaChloe Taft’s From Steel to Slots: Casino Capitalism in the Postindustrial City was excerpted in Belt MagazineAt The Fader, Hua Hsu, author of A Floating Chinaman: Fantasy and Failure across the Pacific, talked with fellow author Yaa Gyasi about using history to make sense of the world todayAbout Google Books - Privacy Policy - TermsofService - Blog - Information for Publishers - Report an issue - Help - Sitemap - GoogleHome .
A PBS documentary based on Elizabeth Cobbs’s American Umpire debuts this weekMcAdams suggests that there may be an additional set of explanations for legal compliance having to do with laws expressive powersDeborah Rhode, author of Adultery: Infidelity and the Law, argued in the Los Angeles Times that states need to drop their remaining anti-adultery statutues ASAP—since, judging from Donald Trump’s popularity, even the most conservative of voters no longer consider the Biblical sin a dealbreaker for suitability to hold public officeRenan Virginio marked it as to-read Feb 25, 2015 Gunsalus’s The Young Professional’s Survival Guide on avoiding common mistakes at your first jobMcAdams generalizes from traffic to constitutional and international law and many other domainsLaw deters illicit activities by specifying sanctions, and it possesses legitimate authority in the eyes of societyBurroughs, Frank Zappa, Martin Mull, Laurie Anderson, and Elvis Costello, among othersseems to take for granted that its ludicrous to use one expressive medium to comment on or respond to anotherOn BBC Radio 3’s Free Thinking, Matthew Rubery, author of The Untold Story of the Talking Book, discussed the contentious issue of whether listening to a book should “count" as readingA record six HUP titles—covering all aspects of history from ancient India to twentieth-century France and Japan—have won awards from the American Historical AssociationCorey Abramson, author of The End Game: How Inequality Shapes Our Final Years, wrote in the Arizona Daily Star about the lessons he learned directly from seniors about the hardships of Americans’ later livespresidential campaignReal Simple summarized some of the lessons from CKristen marked it as to-read Dec 09, 2015 Jefferson marked it as to-read Apr 12, 2015 Richard Baldwin, author of The Great Convergence: Information Technology and the New Globalization, spoke with CNN Money about why the next phase of globalization should make workers in developed nations “very afraid." At Quartz, the authors of Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning divulged their top seven tips for keeping your New Year’s resolutionsForeword Reviews spoke with Jay Aronson about Who Owns the Dead? The Science and Politics of Death at Ground Zero and whether there’s a “correct" way to remember 9/11Orsi discussed History and Presence on the Journal of American History podcast 171bf2437f
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