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Net vb datediff | Article | dayviews.com
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.net vb datediffThanks, Miguel You could easily make an extension method that takes a DateInterval parameter. Enumeration value Value Description FirstWeekOfYear. Thursday 5 Thursday FirstDayOfWeek. Can any one explain me about these result? TimeOfDay, as I wrote? Anyways did u catch my last post on how to display a 02 or anything with a 0 infront of the number in a numupdown control? You will be logged out now. For that you have to add the following namespace, Microsoft.For example, December 16. Do you want to subtract DateTime values or Timespan values? N Property Description 1 Date Returns or sets a String value representing the current date according to your system. DateInterval enumeration value or String expression representing the time interval you want to use as the unit of difference between Date1 and Date2. Insults are not welcome. Monday 2 Monday complies with ISO standard 8601, section 3.All rights reserved. Friday 6 Friday FirstDayOfWeek. It subtracts date1 from date2. So to get the best resolution, take a MOD with number of minutes in a day since that is what DateDiff is giving you. The following example shows how this produces different results from DateInterval. What you also need to understand, what is in the current version of Microsoft. HourD1, D2 Console. Armin- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - Armin used your solution and it worked. Jan1 1 Week in which January 1 occurs default FirstWeekOfYear..net vb datediffWhen verifying,it loops through the table. Why is that so. Date1, Date2, or DayofWeek is out of range. How can i get those has into the above solution u gave me. Timespan does not contain a definition for months or weeks. For note, you might use DateDiff to calculate the number of days between two dates, or the number of weeks between today and the end of the del.And this, now matter what you use to make the conversion. A while ago, I was working on a Windows Forms application and I needed a special label control with reflection glass effect to show some titles in a stylish way.