Monday 4 April 2011 photo 4/5
this is to justin biebers haterz !
He's gay? - Far from it, he has a girlfriend.
He's ugly? - I think 15 billion girls would think differently.
He has a bad voice? - He has 20+ awards at 17 years old.
He's just a kid? - He's 17 and is on his 2nd World Tour.
Don't like him? - Get off of his videos. If you hate Justin so much, then why are you watching hes videos/pictures ?
Do you REALLY just go to hes videos/pictures,
JUST to say that you hate him? - That just shows how pathetic and immature you are.
Comment the photo
Tue 5 Apr 2011 20:34
heeeeeeelt rätt. :D <33
Tue 5 Apr 2011 10:51
Han är ett musikaliskt genomslag.
And yeah..that's pretty much.. it. <3
And yeah..that's pretty much.. it. <3
Mon 4 Apr 2011 19:30
fast så är han ju bara en ful unge som inte har någon talang och är bög som inte har kommit ur garderoben en :D
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