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D.6.3.4 Explain how your skin is related to your sense of touch. Target Reading Skill. Outlining Explain that using an outline format helps students organize information by main topic, subtopic, and details. Answers . Teaching Resources. • Guided Reading and Study Worksheet: The Senses. Student Edition on Audio CD.
switches off heating system. Thermostat senses temperature change and switches on heating system. Room temperature decreases. Room temperature increases. 296. Guided Reading and Study Workbook/Chapter 35. © Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Name______________________________ Class
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Guided Reading and Study - Chapter 1, Section 1. (Pages 6-13 in your book). Name in the left-hand column below. As you read, write answers to your questions in the right-hand column. Name The senses a scientist uses in observing include sight, hearing, touch, taste, and ______ ___. 5. In the spaces below, explain
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P R E N T I C E H A L L. SCIENCE. EXPLORER. Grade 8. Guided Reading and Study Workbook ing book. ? Promotes active reading and enhances students' study skills using innovative questioning strategies and .. Using all five senses to gather information is called . 7. The variable that is expected to change during an
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to gather sound waves. 14. Circle the letter of the membrane that vibrates when sound waves strike it. a. outer ear b. hammer c. anvil d. eardrum. Vision Problems. Questions. Nearsightedness. Farsightedness. What is wrong? What causes it? How is it corrected? The Nervous System s. Guided Reading and Study
Guided Reading and Study Workbook/Chapter 1. 5. © Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Observation involves using one or more of the senses—sight, hearing, touch, smell, and sometimes taste—to gather information. 4. answer to a scientific question. 8. In science, a hypothesis is useful only if it can be . 9.