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LOVING-KINDNESS FOR BEGINNERS. • Allow yourself to settle into a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. If you like, putting a hand over your heart or another location that is soothing as a reminder to bring not only awareness, but loving awareness, or our experience and to ourselves. • Now bringing to mind a
Preface. 5. Meditation—Time and Place. 9. What is Love? 15. Aspirations. 19. Recollections. 22. Blessings of Loving-Kindness. 24. Dangers of Anger. 29. Forgiveness Meditation. 31. Rejoicing Meditation. 33. Acceptance Meditation. 34. Two Types of Metta Practice. 37. The Five Hindrances. 53. Conditions for Bringing about
Dec 20, 2017 Full-text (PDF) | Surveys were conducted at two metta meditation retreats in order to examine the psychological effects of metta meditation. Participants were invited to complete the survey at the beginning of the retreat, at the end of the retreat, and two weeks after the end of the retreat. Part
Jul 14, 2014 Throughout our lives we long to love ourselves more deeply and find a greater sense of connection with others. Our fear of intimacy–both with others and with ourselves–creates feelings of pain and longing. But these feelings can awaken in us the desire for freedom and the willingness to take up the
Jul 26, 2011 Mindfulness-based meditation interventions have become increasingly popular in contemporary psychology. Other closely related meditation practices include loving-kindness meditation (LKM) and compassion meditation (CM), exercises oriented toward enhancing unconditional, positive emotional states
4sublime_states.pdfThe Four Sublime States3542 viewsVen. Nyanaponika Thera Four sublime states of mind have been taught by the Buddha: Loving-kindness (metta), Compassion (karuna), Sympathetic Joy (mudita), Equanimity (upekkha) These four attitudes are said to be excellent or sublime because they are the right
Loving-kindness Meditation. Find a comfortable way to sit, and allow your eyes to close. Bring attention into the present-time experience of the body. Pause. Relax any physical tension that is being held in the body by softening the belly; relax the eyes and jaw and allow your shoulders to naturally fall away from the head.
Lovingkindness Meditation. Become comfortable in your chair or cushion, sitting with a relaxed but straight, posture, with your shoulders relaxed. (Pause) Allow your hands to rest comfortably in your lap. Gently close your eyes (Pause) Settling into awareness of the bodyand the breath. Feeling into our body right
eBUDDHANET'S. BOOKLIBRARY. E-mail: Web site: Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc. Ven. Sujiva. Loving-kindness. Meditation. Loving-kindness. Meditation
In her book on Loving-Kindness, Sharon Salzberg writes: "We spend our lives searching for something we don't think we have, something that makes us happy. But sometimes the very love and happiness we want can be found just by sitting down. The path to true happiness is one of integrating and fully accepting all