Wednesday 2 January 2008 photo 1/4
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STORY I knew you by chance...I never saw you. For a year, I lived by your voice. Waiting restless days and nights, just for your phone call; Would you know how I feel? That's how I came to love you, and I missed you. When would I meet you... I think of you everyday...Sometimes I couldn't even sleep. Do you miss me too? I decided to meet you, no I was determined to meet you. So I went near your home. Time past. And I saw you walking from far away. My heart fluttered as I saw your small, cute appearence. I wanted to run up to you and say, 'Its ME!' but, I had no confidence...So I watched you from far away. And again time past... Now I felt that I could really face you. I came near you. You slightly smiled at the sight of me. Your black hair flowed gracefully in the wind. To me, You looked like an angel on that snow-white day. Without knowing what to do, I couldn't even give a slight eye contact. Have you already known? Do you remember...the present I gave you? The diary I wrote during a year we didn't know each other's faces. Tears of happiness flowed down my cheeks. I wanted our hearts and minds to still become one like before. But, one day you said this to me. 'Lets not meet each other.' I grasped my phone waiting only for your call. Just in case you changed your mind and called me again. I was scared to call your number first. I was scared if you would hang up on me if I called. And since then, another year past by... and during that year, I missed and longed for you. I felt heartbroken, and I couldn't take it any longer. Because I missed you so much. That day...Why did you say that? Did you HAVE to say that to me? Is it because you dont love me anymore? Or for another reason? forgotten all the letters I gave you during the year when we stopped calling each other? If Not...Have you even thought about me? I couldn't take it anymore, so I went to your school. Without any thought, I ran like a madman. Through unfamiliar people I saw you smile happily. Why were you smiling.? I...I...I..My heart is about to burst...but why would you be smiling.? I wanted to shout your name at where I was standing. but I had no confidence to. Yet a teacher came to me and asked 'Who are you looking for?' and I answered with an empty expression, 'The...The girl I like is over there.' 'Should I call her out for you? 'Yes...' For a while, the teacher came to and said 'That girl says she doesn't know you...' And I felt like I was going to burst into tears. But I had to overcome it. I believed you were lying. I wanted to believe that you were. I stayed there in front of your school entrance for a while, and ran to the house that I went to a year ago. Though I only went there once, I brought up old memories as I ran. As I finally reached your house, I waited. For an 1 hour...2 hours...3 hours.. For 5 Hours I waited. It was late at night, but you didn't appear. I left on a bus without telling you the words I wanted to say. And when I got home, I cried out all the tears I kept piling up inside my heart. I must have cried hours...but the next day.. I saw an Email from you. 'Its me...I saw you yesterday. Why didn't you tell me you were coming... I was surprised... To tell you the truth...I was not confident to face you rahter than being surprised. I really...I really liked you.. and I still..I still do. But a year ago, I had unfortunate family issues so I couldn't meet you at all....I'm soo sorry....' When I saw this, I both slightly cried and smiled... and spent my time letting my tears flow... After, we began to contact each other again, telling each other what's been happening during the year we were separated.. releasing the misunderstandings we had about each other...telling each other that we like each other.... And we became the two..that understood each other well and liked each other very much... I've known you for 5years and 8 months now... It felt like a long time.. but its the first time I've ever felt love... and I thank you that you were the one to let me experience it. Also....I. LOVE. YOU. How are you doing now? Do you think I can still walk to your house though all these times have past? Tonight...I really thought about you lots. All our memories...and our unforgettable remembrances...Your not forgetting about them...right? written by, Kim JaeJoong 24-02-04 v