Friday 22 February 2008 photo 2/2
HELLO MISS Lee Soo Ha, 38th granddaughter of the Jae Ahn Lee clan and owner of the clan manor Hwa Ahn Dang, is trying to save the place from going bankrupt. Hwang Dong Gyu, oldest grandson of the president of TOP Group, is trying to buy Hwa Ahn Dang because his grandfather, who was once a servant at the manor, cannot rest in peace unless he spends his last days in Hwa Ahn Dang's master suite. Hwang Chan Min, Dong Gyu's playboy cousin, is his rival in business and love. Enter Seo Hwa Ran, a model who has a secret history with and a secret plan for Hwa Ahn Dang (and Chan Min), and Lee Joon Yong, Soo Ha's brother and Chan Min's friend who can't forget a girl from Hwa Ahn Dang he knew when he was a kid... Lee Ji Hoon as Hwang Dong Gyu Lee Da Hae as Lee Soo Ha Ha Suk Jin as Hwang Chan Min Yoon Mi Joo as Suh Hwa Ran ------------ Tack för att du rekommenderade denna Bää ;) Har sett klart denna serien nu. Riktigt bra va den ! Kunde inte sluta och kolla, ville inte heller att det skulle ska ta slut:( Dramat slutade verkligen bra, så bra :')
Comment the photo
Sat 23 Feb 2008 01:14
Jag tror ni två har sett alla serier genom den koreanska filmindustrin
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