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Perl pdf api2 text message: >> << (Download)
Perl pdf api2 text message: >> << (Read Online)
pdf api2 importpage
pdf api2 font
perl pdf api2 example
pdf::api2 mediabox
pdf api2 ttf
perl pdf api2 tutorial
perl pdf::api2 tutorial
leighsharpe has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question: Hello esteemed monks, I'm trying to create a PDF using PDF::API2. The resultant PDF needs to contain both text and a graphic on the same page, with the text printed over the top of the graphic. I'm using the
This is a limitation of the PDF specification at least as of version 1.7 (see section 9.3.3). It's possible that a later version of the specification will support word spacing in fonts that use multi-byte codes. $scale = $content->hscale($scale). Sets and returns the percentage of horizontal text
18 Jan 2007 I have been trying (unsuccessfully I m ight add) to create paragraphs, I know it can be done but I have yet to get it to work, here are a few snippets trying to create it neither work use PDF::API2; use perlchartdir; use strict; use warnings; use constant mm => 25.4/72; use constant in => 1/72; use constant pt
4 Jul 2014 When you create the $text object for the second page, you need to call $text->font() again. It doesn't carry over from the first page. Add the following between line 57 and line 59: $text->font($font, 11);
2 Jan 2015 This should work #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use lib 'PDF-API2-0.73/lib/'; use PDF::API2; my $text = "A sample text using Noto TTF"; my $pdf = PDF::API2->new(); my $page = $pdf->page; my $txt = $page->text; my $font = $pdf->ttfont('C:/temp/fonts/NotoSans-Bold.ttf'); $txt->font($font, 25);
$co = PDF::API2::Content->new @parameters ^. Returns a new content object (called from $page->text/gfx). $co->add @content. Adds @content to the object. $co->save. Saves the state of the object. $co->restore. Restores the state of the object. $co->compressFlate. Marks content for compression on output. $co->flatness
Thank you keszler, I have changed that but now I get a different error message: Can't call method "text" without a package or object reference at /usr/share/perl5/PDF/API2/ line 435. I have included adjusted test code below. #!/usr/bin/perl use strict "vars"; use PDF::API2::Simple; # Start new PDF my $page_number
This should be very simple and I can't seem to figure it out. I am just trying to rotate some text on a pdf using PDF::API2. I have the following
13 Mar 2005 Subject: PDF::API2 - text over a rectangle. Message ID: Hi all. Despite making some decent progress in other areas, I'm banging my head against a brick wall on something simple: rendering text over a solid rectange. my $pdf = PDF::API2->new; $self->{fonts}
Thank you keszler, I have changed that but now I get a different error message: Can't call method "text" without a package or object reference at /usr/share/perl5/PDF/API2/ line 435. I have included adjusted test code below. #!/usr/bin/perl use strict "vars"; use PDF::API2::Simple; # Start new PDF