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1EMU06, (IR). D2. Reference zener diode. TL431C. L1. 560µH, 0.5A. Inductor. Q1. 500V, 1A. Mosfet. IRFR420A (IR). U1. Control IC. IR2153 (IR). U2. 1A. Linear regulator. LM7805. Figure 23: Power Supply Schematic. Table 7: Power Supply Bill Of Materials. Note: Proper grounding layout for this circuit must be considered.
R5 1k. R3 22. +34V to +350V. COM. R1. 470k. 0.5W. D1 1EMU06. IRFR420A. L1 560uH. 0.5A. C4. 47uF. 450V. R7. 1k. R6. 11k. C5. 1000uF. 25V. 15V. C1. 4.7uF. 25V. C3. 0.1uF. D2. TL431C. Q1. 5V. U2 7805. IR2153. U1. C6. 10uF. 25V. C7. 0.1uF. D3 1N4148. D4. 1EMU06 рис. 23 схема источника электропитания.
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0. .0 R10 2 3 1 2 3 4 100 R11 IR2153-DIP8 8 7 6 5 1EMU06 D2 VB HO VS LO 1N4148 VCC RT CT COM 220 pF C3 22 pF 10K D1 U3 FREF CCW CW 2 +5V R1 0.0V 0. 25V OUT U2 LM340T -5.5A R8 11K PIC16F72 D3 1EMU06 Q1 8 VSS 19 VSS 10 OSC2 9 OSC1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 MCLR 20 VDD 2 FIGURE B-1: 3 APPENDIX
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20 Oct 2004 APPENDIX B: SCHEMATICS. FIGURE B-1: PIC® INTERFACE AND POWER SUPPLY (SHEET 1 OF 2). Power. Supply. DC+. R6. 470K, 0.5W. +. C1. 1. R9. 15K. C10. 0.1 ?. F. V. CC. RT. CT. COM. VB. HO. VS. LO. IR2153-DIP8. DC-. R10. 0.0. C12. 220 pF. 1 2 3 4. 8 7 6 5. U3. D1. D2. 1EMU06. 1N4148.