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Monilethrix pdf: >> << (Download)
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MONILETHRIX is a rare hereditary disorder of hair ?rst described by Smith1 in 1879. Al- though in some patients body or sexual hair has been affected"3 usually only the scalp hair is dis- eased. The affected hairs contain periodic constric- tions that cause breakage of the hair when it is only a few millimeters long.
Monilethrix is a condition that affects hair growth. Its most characteristic feature is that individual strands of hair have a beaded appearance like the beads of a necklace. The name monilethrix comes from the Latin word for necklace (monile) and the Greek word for hair (thrix). Noticeable when viewed under a microscope, the
Monilethrix, a rare congenital trichodystrophy, is characterized by fragility of scalp hair with par- tial or total alopecia. Affected individuals may have a variable degree of follicular hyperkeratosis and nail changes. Some monilethrix has been reported to be associated with genetic mutations on human keratins. Mutation in
Introduction. Monilethrix is a rare hereditary disorder transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait [1]. It was first described by Smith [2] in 1879. The affected hair have a beaded appearance, are brittle and do not exceed a few centimetres in length. The hair of the scalp are usually involved, but in some patients, body and
INTRODUCTION. Monilethrix is an autosomal dominant genoder- matosis characterized by hair fragility, keratosis pilaris, and pathognomonic beading of the hair shaft. Hair fragility may lead to hair breakage and the appearance of generalized hair loss.1. The gene for autosome-dominant monilethrix has been mapped to
Abstract: Monilethrix is a hereditary hair disorder that occurs mono- symptomatically or as a monilethrix syndrome combined with other ec- todermal anomalies. We report two siblings with the triple combination of monilethrix, keratosis pilaris, and koilonychia. In one of our patients, the hair disorder improved, with maximum
Patients present with diffuse hypotrichosis with short, beaded and fragile hair. Strong follicular hyperkeratosis is also observed, especially in the occipital region where the defect may be more. Ferrando J, Castro S. Monilethrix. Orphanet Encyclopedia. September 2003.
18 Dec 2017 Full-text (PDF) | Monilethrix is a rare hereditary disorder that affects the hair and is characterized by shaft anomaly. There is no known treatment that successfully cures the condition. In this report we present a case of monilethrix in a 7-year-old girl treated with oral acitretin. A very good
Download PDF. Monilethrix, a rare inherited hair shaft disorder in siblings. Download fre pdf Download for citation manager. This is a temporary file and hence do not link it from a website, instead link the URL of this page if you wish to link the PDF file. To read this article you will require Adobe© Acrobat Reader, if you do
AN INVESTIGATION OF MONILETHRIX. HAKVKV BAKKK. M.B.. M.R.C.P. orial Uutjurtinont t»f Denimtology. t-luynl Vinloriii liUinnary,. Newcaatlo-upon-Tyno,. MoxiLETHRix is a rare familial disorder of liair growth of unknown cause, occurring in either sex, and usually coniined to the sealp. In most cases it is manifest in