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5 Nov 2015 Evideon 1 by Corrado Malanga. EVIDEON THE CREATED UNIVERSE By Corrado Malanga Introduction At the end of our research, that becomes the same thing as overlapped. The physical phenomenon is no .. (antigluons postulates : ) Short list of
21 Nov 2013 November—December 2013. OGJVAMC is again on the cutting edge of technology in providing proactive, patient centered care to our nation's. Veterans. The medical center recently installed the eVideon™ interactive pa- tient education and communication system, which integrates patient educa-.
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EVIDEON. L'UNIVERSO CREATO. Di Corrado Malanga. Introduzione. Alla fine del nostro percorso di ricerca, che parte dalla osservazione del comportamento alieno verso la razza umana e termina .. (Anti Gluoni postulati anche qui: Breve elenco di alcuni lavori sull'anti
Introduction. In some of my previous work ( · %20L'Universo%20Creato.pdf), we have seen how the entire Universe can be described as a system of perpendicular Cartesian axes, which represent: space, time and potential energy, characterised by rules of symmetry based
1 Feb 2015 eVideon Hardware, Software, and installation and con?guration services $791,475. Patient Education and Entertainment Content (?ve years). English, Spanish, and Chinese Various $271,090. Annual eVideon Maintenance and Support (Years 2-5) $510,740. Five Year Extended Warranties (optional)
EVIDEON EL UNIVERSO CREADO De Corrado Malanga Traduccion 1.0. Tantor Anima para Corrado Malanga Fansclub en espanol. Introduccion Al final de nuestro camino de investigacion, que parte de la observacion del comportamiento alienigena contra la raza humana y termina con la intencion de obtener una
Biography. pdf · Biography. Test. pdf · TAV 4.01. Mental simulations. pdf · TCTDF – Flash Dynamic Triade Color Test · pdf · TCT – The universe in colors. Reference documents. pdf · Genesis 1 · pdf · Genesis 2 · pdf · EVIDEON 1 · pdf · EVIDEON 2. EVIDEON 3. pdf · The matrix point of light (Translated by A.Z.) · pdf
Leggi alcune pagine tratte dal libro di Corrado Malanga "La Geometria Sacra in Evideon". In alcuni lavori precedenti ho dimostrato come l'Universo intero possa essere descritto da un sistema di assi cartesiani ortogonali fra loro - che rappresentano lo spazio, il tempo e l'energia potenziale - caratterizzati da regole di