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Yoga poses (also called Asanas) are physical postures that exercise your entire body, stretch and tone the muscles and joints, the spine and entire skeletal system. They have a beneficial effect not only on the body frame, but also on the internal organs, glands and nerves, keeping all systems healthy. Asanas reduce stress
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Se si accenna allo Yoga parlando con una per- sona anche non del tutto incolta, si puo anda- re incontro alle reazioni piu impensabili e piu varie. « Lo Yoga? . ASANAS: le varie posizioni yoga imitano la Natura e che cli. Animali. HATHA-YOGA: riguarda gli esercizi fisici. PARVATI: con le respirazioni adatte e la mente
benefits of yoga. Discover physical and breathing poses to complement your mood, calm your mind and achieve balance in your body. YOGA POSES Youth & Yoga - Kids Yoga Poses . pdf Partner-Poses-handout.pdf Giochiamo allo yoga di Claudia Porta · Yoga GIOCHIAMO CON