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1 Jul 2004 smaller household size and a much higher sex-ratio. •. During 2004-05, in India, in as many as 26 per cent of the households in the rural areas and 8 per cent in the urban areas, there was no member in the age- group 15 years and above who could read and write a simple message with understanding.
The National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) has been conducting nation surveys by adopting the same definitions and concepts. New Delhi. (Dr. N.S. Sastry). May 2001. DG & CEO. NSSO. Concepts and Definitions Used in NSS In the earlier rounds of NSS, a literate was one who could both read and write a.
1 Jul 2016 The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India, has released a report, "Key Indicators of Domestic Tourism in India", based on information collected between July, 2014 and June, 2015 as a part of its seventy-second Round. A similar
21 Nov 2015 The National Sample Survey Office. (NSSO) recently published the key findings of the 71st round of household survey entitled “Key Indica- tors of Social Consumption in India: Health." An analysis of the preliminary results of the survey has recently been presented by T Sundararaman and.
The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) headed by a Director General is responsible for conduct of large scale sample surveys in diverse fields on All India basis. Primarily data are collected through nation-wide household surveys on various socio-economic subjects, Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), etc. Besides these
18 Mar 2013 Overview. Type. Other Household Survey [hh/oth]. Identification. DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-66-10-2011. Version. Anonymised dataset for public distribution. Series. 66 round of National Sample Survey : Socio-Economic Survey : Employment and. Unemployment Survey : Eighth quinquennial survey. Abstract.
National Sample Survey Office (NSSO). • The Directorate of National Sample Survey (NSS) came into being in 1950 to collect information through sample surveys on a variety of socio-economic aspects. • The Directorate of NSS was assigned the job of conducting the field work. • The work relating to finalisation of sampling
21 Jul 2017 The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India, conducted a survey on social consumption relating to education, which was part of its 71st round held between January and June, 2014. Such surveys that have been conducted
Functions of NSSO. ? NSSO has been conducting multi- subject integrated sample surveys since 1950. ? Mainly four types. Household Surveys. Enterprise Surveys. Village Facilities. Land & Livestock holdings. ? There is a well defined cycle of the surveys extending over a period of. 10 years.