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3 May 2017 US-ISRAEL RELATIONS IN THE TRUMP ERA. The analysis reflects on how a Trump presidency will influence the course of US relations with the State of Israel. Insofar as Trump considers his options for a new look in US foreign policy towards Israel, he will confront a dynamic and multi- faceted set of
simple passage of time. The result: two countries that are more different and distant than has been the case for most of Israel's existence. I anticipate that some reading this Council Special Report will be quick to point out that crises in the U.S.-Israel relationship are hardly new, and that, as in the past, the two sides will find a
24 Feb 2017 Contents. U.S.-Israel Relations in a Time of Transition . . Administration, Israeli leaders, and various other actors (including Members of Congress) have .. Results available at 017.pdf.
28 Feb 2018 Israel: Background and U.S. Relations in Brief. Congressional Research Service. 2. Figure 1. Israel: Map and Basic Facts. Notes: According to the Department of State: (1) The West Bank is Israeli occupied with current status subject to the 1995 Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement; permanent status to be
Former Head of Policy Planning at Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Eran Etzion, explores the state of U.S.-Israel relations and their likely future trajectory under a new U.S. administration. Etzion notes a strategic drift has widened between the two allies in recent years, and that is likely to continue regardless of the outcome.
28 Oct 2016 Israel: Background and U.S. Relations. Congressional Research Service. Summary. Since Israel's founding in 1948, successive U.S. Presidents and many Members of Congress have demonstrated a commitment to Israel's security and to close U.S.-Israel cooperation. Perceptions of shared democratic
6 Jan 2017 Contents. U.S.-Israel Relations in a Time of Transition . . Relations in a Time of Transition. For decades, strong bilateral relations have fueled and reinforced significant U.S.-Israel . 11 See, e.g., 12 For an analysis, see
28 Feb 2014 Since Israel's founding in 1948, successive U.S. Presidents and many Members of Congress have .. 1996. 2 CRS Report RL34074, The Palestinians: Background and U.S. Relations, by Jim Zanotti.
Any serious effort to project the future course of U.S.-Israeli relations encounters daunting of Israeli and American politics, military establishments, joint intelli- strategy.pdf. 2 The Barack Obama administration requested $3 billion for Israel in fis- cal year 2011 in accordance with the 2007 memorandum of understand-.
on platforms highly favorable to Israel, and dedicated themselves to the search for Israel-Arab peace. By the end of the 1970s, an inchoate U.S.-Israeli alliance had emerged, sealed by the existence of a potent pro-Israel lobby in Washington and the extension to Israel of billions of dollars of American aid. But the relationship