Sunday 22 October 2017 photo 10/15
Corrugated dielectric waveguide: >> << (Download)
Corrugated dielectric waveguide: >> << (Read Online)
The behavior due to a finite length~f periodically corrugated dielectric waveguide is analyzed under the con- ditions that the. TE and. TM modes must couple to.
Abstract. Perturbation analysis is applied to calculate the radiation loss from corrugated waveguides for TM polarized guided waves. It is shown that the radiated
The dispersion (Brillouin) diagram of a corrugated dielectric waveguide is derived. The behavior of the waveguide near the important Bragg regime, where the
Corrugated Dielectric Waveguides". A Numerical Study of the Second-Order Stop Bands. P. Vincent and M. NeviOre. Laboratoire d'Optique Electromagn6tique,
Title: Periodic corrugated dielectric waveguides. Authors: Streifer, W.; Scifres, D. R.; Burnham, R. D.. Affiliation: AA(Xerox Research Center, Palo Alto, Calif),
Grating coupled radiation and distributed feedback are analyzed in periodically corrugated dielectric waveguides. Several results are de- rived. First it is shown
Radiation loss calculations for corrugated dielectric waveguides and rectangular grating profiles on waveguides and waveguide-lasers are obtained and
Corrugated dielectric waveguides: A numerical study of the second-order stop bands. Authors; Authors and affiliations. P. Vincent; M. Neviere. Contributed
4A. W. Snyder, "Mode propagation in an optical waveguide," Elec- tron. Lett. 6, 561-562 (1970). Radiation loss calculations for corrugated dielectric waveguides.
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics. Light emission from a corrugated dielectric waveguide. To cite this article: V A Sychugov and A V Tishchenko 1980 Sov.