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Creatology solar system kit instruction sheet: >> http://bid.cloudz.pw/download?file=creatology+solar+system+kit+instruction+sheet << (Download)
Creatology solar system kit instruction sheet: >> http://bid.cloudz.pw/read?file=creatology+solar+system+kit+instruction+sheet << (Read Online)
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This kit includes almost everything needed to create a model of the solar system, making it great for school projects or as a fun activity for budding astronauts. Creatology™ Painted Solar System Kit 10 pre-painted Styrofoam® balls in various sizes; 5 dowel rods; 1 foam ring base; 1 EVA ring; Complete instructions.
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19 Mar 2010
The Solar System Kit. This kit contains. 10 decofoam balls. 2 decofoam rings. Wire. Instructions to build. You may also need. Acrylic Paint. Low temperature glue gun. Wire cutters or scissors. Building the solar system. 1. Identify each ball to each planet by matching numbers on each ball. Paint all balls and rings relevant
This FloraCraft Solar System Kit makes it easy for children and adults to work together, constructing a model of our solar system and learning scientific facts about the sun and planets in our solar .. To Scale Free Solar System Printables coloring sheet plus resource list approved by high school aspiring astrophysicist!
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