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Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
The First Born Son "Peter was a young boy, acctracted by dangerous things as puting things on fire, playing around and be mean. One day, he boasted around that he could swim as a shark. Peter raced a
The Bound Woman "Susanne Lee, was a woman who was acctracted by lust. she fooled around many hearts, left one guy after another. one day, she did gone completly out of mind. she tied herself up, stuc
The Torso " Games have always been dangerous. for Kimberly, it became her death. Kimberly played away all her money, gave away it all just for playing games and poker. She got stuck into a mob, treat
The Torn Prince "The Torn Prince was a boy named Harvey, who was a good human, but had issues with controling his anger sometimes. He soon became a leader for a gang when he came into college and was
The Angry Princess "The Angry Princess was known as May when she was alive. She was a natural beauty who always got people to do things for her. She became a model when she was nineteen and the world
The Hammer "The Hammer was a trouble maker as a kid, and known as Nick. He often moved to orphanages and never liked it. He ended up on the street, living a dangerous lives stealing cars and drugs. He
The Pilgrimess "Anne never really stayed at any places she moved to. She always needed to change her envoirment and she could never be satisfied. In the age of fifteen, Anne began to work as a whore i
The Jackal "The Jackal's name alive was Micheal. Micheal was in a rich, wealthy family and never had trouble getting what he wanted. Soon, his mother and father died and Micheal inherited all the mone
The Withered Lover "The Witherd Lover was born in a ordinary family as Sarah. She always was shy, becuse her parents always was in a fight. When her parents separated, she got more lonely. She was alw
The Broken Heart No file.
The Dire Mother The Great Child "The Great Child was born in the late 1800-century as Casper. Casper was a child with some trouble with his length. He grew up in overtime, and was over two metres long
The Juggernaut
Ska iväg till gustaf ikväll med Christine. :D <3
USCH. Varför?
Regler: Det här är svårare än du tror!Varje svar måste börja med första bokstaven i ditt namn!Alla svar måste vara riktiga, hitta inte på ord eller lju
AliCe iN WoNdeRlanD
Dream A Dream. Kommentera gärna. :)
"I'll Better Looking Mad, Instead Of Becoming Mad."
Or we just gonna sitt by. Get a little Crazy.
Då stack man till Malmö idag. Har haft jättekul. xD Majsan köpte: Batman Hush, Seriebok. En tröja som liknar en tvångströja! Marilyn Manson Album. Och Betalade de
EmotionsThey are all around us. Bidrag till Manga Tävlingen. Rösta!