Friday 25 January 2008 photo 1/1
From: countrygrandma [videos (0) | favorites (1) | friends (0)] Sent: January 24, 2008 Subject: this is about the comments you posted on toby keiths video Message: i hope you die you fucking piece of shit just because america is the best country in the world and all you other ball grabbers don't like us because of it you all just wish that you had somthing so great. but you don't so what do you do, fuck you americans I HATE YOU ALL AND IM JUST COVERING UP THE FACT THAT MY COUNTRY IS FUCKING SHIT!!!!! god i fuckin hate people like you just like that song said i shove a boot up your ass its the AMERICAN way god bless america you piece of dog shit Jag älskar att provocera, speciellt när jag inte egentligen provocerar, utan bara ifrågasätter väldigt grafiskt, trots att jag aldrig någonsin snackade skit om amerikaner, jag kritiserade bara Amerikas Förenta Staters politik (inrikes och utrikes), vilket ledde till detta mail. <3
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Fri 25 Jan 2008 01:02
Hi, well, i'm happy to see you too.
Actually, i'm not a general "America Hater", i mean, i don't see you as a lower human just because you are american. In fact, i live in a country where people generally hate you for existing, and i'm much more right-wing than those people, and tend to judge poeple by their actions and behaviour.
Which brings us to the point of you; I do not agree with your politics, I do not agree with your general mentality, a mentality that you probably share with your friends, the "We are the superiour race, the American Way is the Only Way, if you disagree with our lifestyle and our values you are a (i quote you) ball grabbing faggot that should be raped to death with a fucking cactus, and if you are not a proud christian, then you should be burned at the stake!" kind of mentality. Just so that you know it, i'm a christian aswell, but i do not support that kind of thinking in any single way.
I do not even hate America, i mean, the people are really nice if you do not let your prejudices get in the way, but you threaten me with violence, you wish me dead, you hate me, but for what?
Do you realise that I never ever said anything bad about the americans themselves? I critisized your country's acting in international affairs, I stated my opinion that the US should start coming back down to earth and reconsider it's "My way or no way"-kind of attitude, i wished that America would accept that extreme violence doe not bring freedom, and for that you hate me.
The user information on your account says that you are twenty-eight. That's ten years older than me, yet YOU are the one hating on me, a person barely accepted as an adult, and apparently i am more mature than you. Please grow up, realise that just because the government, or some Western-Country singer (depending on who is more important to you) claims that the invasion of a country with the motivation of reasons based on lies and misinformation, which leads to a quick victory, and then a slow, painful and(for the soldiers stationed there) deadly realisation that guerilla warfare against an otherwise superiour enemy is not less effective now than in the jungles of Vietnam.
So be safe, be humble, live a good life, stay true to Heavy Metal, and God bless you. /Belrondis, an 18-year-old Swede (Sweden, Scandinavia, north, the penis on the euro) that thinks that one should try to see beyond the curtain.
Ps. i don't think God is with your country, or any country for that matter, so please try and force God to bless your country just to have the excuse that the President has divine guidance, and therefore can't make mistakes. "God bless humanity" would be a better term, since that expression doesn't limit God's grace to one single country. Thank you.
Actually, i'm not a general "America Hater", i mean, i don't see you as a lower human just because you are american. In fact, i live in a country where people generally hate you for existing, and i'm much more right-wing than those people, and tend to judge poeple by their actions and behaviour.
Which brings us to the point of you; I do not agree with your politics, I do not agree with your general mentality, a mentality that you probably share with your friends, the "We are the superiour race, the American Way is the Only Way, if you disagree with our lifestyle and our values you are a (i quote you) ball grabbing faggot that should be raped to death with a fucking cactus, and if you are not a proud christian, then you should be burned at the stake!" kind of mentality. Just so that you know it, i'm a christian aswell, but i do not support that kind of thinking in any single way.
I do not even hate America, i mean, the people are really nice if you do not let your prejudices get in the way, but you threaten me with violence, you wish me dead, you hate me, but for what?
Do you realise that I never ever said anything bad about the americans themselves? I critisized your country's acting in international affairs, I stated my opinion that the US should start coming back down to earth and reconsider it's "My way or no way"-kind of attitude, i wished that America would accept that extreme violence doe not bring freedom, and for that you hate me.
The user information on your account says that you are twenty-eight. That's ten years older than me, yet YOU are the one hating on me, a person barely accepted as an adult, and apparently i am more mature than you. Please grow up, realise that just because the government, or some Western-Country singer (depending on who is more important to you) claims that the invasion of a country with the motivation of reasons based on lies and misinformation, which leads to a quick victory, and then a slow, painful and(for the soldiers stationed there) deadly realisation that guerilla warfare against an otherwise superiour enemy is not less effective now than in the jungles of Vietnam.
So be safe, be humble, live a good life, stay true to Heavy Metal, and God bless you. /Belrondis, an 18-year-old Swede (Sweden, Scandinavia, north, the penis on the euro) that thinks that one should try to see beyond the curtain.
Ps. i don't think God is with your country, or any country for that matter, so please try and force God to bless your country just to have the excuse that the President has divine guidance, and therefore can't make mistakes. "God bless humanity" would be a better term, since that expression doesn't limit God's grace to one single country. Thank you.
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